Soros-Backed Dem DA Caught “Lying” to The Court

Steve MacDonald

George Soros wants to see America burn, so he’s invested vast sums into electing public prosecutors who are soft on crime. Virginia State Attorney Buta Biberaj received $860,000.00 from a Soros PAC (she won by two points), but she was just tossed off a case by a Judge for concealing criminal records.


Loudoun County circuit court judge James Plowman said the office of Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj (D.) was “deliberately misleading the Court and the public” about “a possible 12 burglary crime spree spanning 4 counties over 10 days.” In a plea agreement, Biberaj’s office failed to note the offender had recently pleaded guilty to felonies and had pending charges and prior convictions as a minor, according to Plowman. Fox 5 on Saturday first reported on the judge’s order to remove Biberaj from the case.

“The Commonwealth is deliberately misleading the Court, and the public, in an effort to ‘sell’ the plea agreement for some reason that has yet to be explained,” Plowman wrote in his order.


Write an early ticket for the crook and then justify it by hiding the defendant’s extensive criminal history. How often are they getting away with this?

We know about the millions being “donated” by rich liberals to third parties who provide cash bail, sometimes to violent felons. The same crowd has worked to eliminate bail so criminals can go free while “awaiting” trial. They may refuse to arrest, refuse to charge, or just drop cases.

San Francisco just recalled their Soros-backed DA after crime got so bad that even the liberal poop pile by the bay couldn’t take it any longer.

I’m sure it’s Putin’s fault, but so far, no one appears ready to lay that blame at his feet.

As for Virginia State Attorney Buta Biberaj, one commenter at Instapundit suggested getting her disbarred. That’s a great idea, except it won’t happen. You have to bring cases against mask and vaccine mandates to get disciplined by your peers these days.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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