Kevin Smith for US Senate Gets This Right – Introducing “Maggie Hasn’t!”

We hadn’t heard a lot from Kevin Smith, who is running in the Republican Primary to replace Democrat Maggie Hassan in the US Senate from New Hampshire. Skip and Ed have explored the until now invisible candidate, but that has ended. He’s got an Ad on TV

It costs a lot of money to be on TV, even in New Hampshire, and the new Kevin Smith Ad is all over the place, on streaming services and online. And while I’ve whined (I think that’s the correct term) about Hassan’s off-season ads – she’s really in that much danger of losing – this Ad does something none of them did. It defines failure with a very memorable “nickname.”

The ad talks about all the crap that’s come down under Biden, and how Hassan isn’t doing anything substantive. Spending, inflation, debt, shortages, and rising prices. We expected Maggie to do something, and “Maggie Hasn’t.”

Maggie Hassan, Maggie Hasn’t. F-ing Brilliant!

And she’s not done a damn thing except propose something everyone knows would never fly – the gas tax holiday. It’s a Potemkin village of an idea from a Democrat who backs Biden 98% of the time.

She also has a new ad (irony alert) about how she succeeded in getting bipartisan legislation into law having something to do with health care and insurance coverage.

Insurance? Health Care?

Maggie goes to DC and forgets that her last proposed state budget as governor of New Hampshire cut $58 million dollars out of the New Hampshire Department of health and human services budget. Seven million of that from nursing homes. The same budget increased funding to abortion providers in the state and our overly expensive University System that turns out students with more debt than degrees.

Hassan is a party mule who hauls the approved narratives all the way to her voting record. She has also been working the moderate angle for as long as I’ve been aware of her political existence but never lived up to it when it came to votes.

Whatever happens in the GOP primary for this race, Hassan has to go. So, here’s the ad, and whether you like Kevin for the gig or not, make that nickname stick.







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