Sun-King Sununu Shows He’s Nowhere Near Ready For Primetime

Sun-King Sununu is a narcissist. And one of the current manifestations of his narcissism involves teasing a Presidential run in 2024. But as this WMUR clip shows, the Sun-King is nowhere near ready for primetime.

Any political team with any degree of competence would have anticipated Abortion-Ken a/k/a Adam Trump-Voters-Are-White-Supremacists Sexton asking “gotchas” about abortion.

But the Sun-King … who thinks he is the proverbial smartest man in the room and can talk his way out of anything … is left stammering and stuttering by Abortion-Ken.

The correct answer, Sun-King, would have been to refuse to answer such a vague hypothetical and tell Abortion-Ken he needs to give a specific example or examples if he wants an answer.

Just imagine what the national press would do to Sun-King.


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