Sen. Tom Sherman’s ‘Amendment’ to the NH Ivermectin Bill is a Big Fat Lie

New Hampshire is about to become at least the second State in The Union™ to advance a bill into law that would allow residents access to Ivermectin without a prescription. Tennessee went there, South Dakota is working on it, and New Hampshire is close.

If there are others  (I believe there are), I missed them, and my apologies. But we’re here to revisit HB1022. I mentioned it yesterday. It passed the New Hampshire Senate, but before leaping that hurdle, it was amended. Sen Tom Sherman (Toolbag), who claims to be a doctor, insisted on adding this.


II-a. Any person who receives Ivermectin through a standing order shall sign an informed consent stating that there is no proven benefit to treating Covid-19 with Ivermectin.


I asked a prime sponsor of HB1022 for comment on the amendment. Rep. Jim Kofalt has this to say.


“I wonder if Senator Sherman might support the idea of adding a similar statement to the consent form for the various COVID-19 vaccines, acknowledging that there’s no evidence that the vaccines do anything whatsoever to prevent COVID-19.”


True dat, but what about Doc Sherman’s disclaimer? The gastroenterologist insists Ivermectin does nothing for COVID. Is it as full of you know what as his chosen “specialty”?

No Proven Benefit?

This professor doctor guy (Pierre Kory) – more of an expert than Gastro-Man – has shared a small library of evidence on both the efficacy of Ivermectin and the institutional war against it (start reading here).



Brazil: “…regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.”

Meta-analysis of randomized trials of ivermectin to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection

Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19

Safety and Efficacy of the combined use of ivermectin, dexamethasone, enoxaparin, and aspirin against COVID-19

The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro


Dehli India (see also here)

Delhi India COVID after Ivermectin
Delhi, India COVID Delta after widespread Ivermectin use






curves-in-japan Ivermectin


The Entire African Continent with and without Ivermectin (hint, Ivermectin wins).




It is clear that ‘Doc’ Sherman gets his medical “research” from the New York or Los Angeles Times (and maybe even the DNC and the lying FDA), but when you look past the approved narrative and dig into the details, even the Together Trial proved the opposite of what it claimed.

So what?

Anyone with a genuine interest in public health would be professionally negligent for ignoring the possibility that an inexpensive, widely available, safe, off-patent, and well-tolerated affordable treatment like Ivermectin could improve outcomes.

It is a recognized wonder drug whose use worldwide has coincided with significant declines in COVID infections and deaths. It is undeniable, yet the Democrat Senator who wants to run for governor denies it, and the Republican Majority Senate goes along for the ride.

I’m happy it passed 14-10 but about that amendment.


II-a. Any person who receives Ivermectin through a standing order shall sign an informed consent stating that there is no proven benefit to treating Covid-19 with Ivermectin.


Even if only a fraction of what I’ve presented were only anecdotally correct, there is a proven benefit.

But here’s the rub. Even if the amendment isn’t miscarried from the bill (giving HB1022 one of those mRNA vaccines could do the trick), people should go with it. Get it into law. We can remove Tom’s useless lie next session when Tom isn’t in the State Senate.

Sherman is running for Governor, and despite our many disagreements with Chris Sununu, I doubt Sherman can beat him in any year – certainly not this mid-term.

And he won’t be missed, but he will be back (just like COVID for the double-jabbed and boostered).



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