Let’s Revisit the “Republicans for Biden”, Shall We?

by Skip

So, have all of their plaudits for Biden turned out to be true? Or just virtue-signaling from NeverTrumpers who hated “mean tweets” even though the vast majority of his policies and legislation (again, no one’s perfect and he certainly was closer to lousy than good when it came to staffing).

And look at the list – either they were Establishment Republicans (“A Republican’s Republican for the sake of the Republican Party or they’ve lost their minds in hatred that a brash outsider, uncontrollable by them, took their brass ring away from them as if they were toddlers.

Which, I add in retrospect, they now sound like.  I have a mix of NH and national “Luminaries” that decided that Trump had to be stopped by any means possible. And they, to be perfectly honest, were successful. However, it’s clear that they put themselves and their FEELINGS first; are they now willing, given what the Biden Administration has done, to do a big Mea Culpa and start apologizing to the rest of us who KNEW that Biden was (and is) barely a sock puppet?

So, of course with every election, we have Republicans (I’m not even sure that “In Name Only” goes far enough??) that decide that any Democrat that turns their Feelz on or allows them to rant against those Republican that, you know, have a decent level of fidelity to Conservative Principles / Party Platform.  Because if you are willing to vote for someone IN THE OTHER PARTY that holds stances antithetical to them, you’re either lazy in doing your political homework, really have no Principles at all, or just plain stupid.

Or can’t play 3D Chess to save their life – or ours. From a bunch of places, I want to remind you of your distaff family, friends, or other Republicans that lost their minds and souls over “ANYBODY BUT TRUMP” and turned to Biden who has turned out to be a lead pipe of a life ring as I can’t fathom ANYTHING that he’s done right.

From WMUR: NH Primary Source: Biden campaign rolls out group of NH Republicans backing former VP for president

Woullard Lett, former president of the Manchester NAACP, who backed Democrat Dan Feltes for governor in April;

— Former Reagan Administration official Claira Monier, who was co-chair of former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld’s presidential campaign in New Hampshire;

— Former Executive Councilor Peter Spaulding, who in 2000 and 2010 chaired the New Hampshire presidential effort for the late Sen. John McCain;

— Former Executive Councilor Bill Cahill, who is now an undeclared voter;

— Businesswoman and community activist Pamela Diamantis; and

— Community activist Ken Moulton.

— former Sen. Gordon Humphrey…known nationally as a leader of the “Never-Trump” movement.

“I served with Joe Biden for 12 years in the United States Senate. I know him and trust him. No one comes close to his experience or his ability to achieve bipartisan consensus,” Humphrey said.

At this point, the only bipartisanship I see is Biden uniting folks AGAINST him. And from Biden’s campaign, here’s a list of 100 Republicans for Biden.  Is your friend, acquaintance, or family member on this list?

nh independents for biden-1578279237

Union Leader: reformatted

  • Woullard Lett, former president of the Manchester NAACP
  • Claire Monier, a Republican campaign operative who served in President Ronald Reagan’s administration;
  • Peter Spaulding, a co-chairman of Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign in New Hampshire;
  • former Executive Councilor Bill Cahill;
  • Pamela Diamantis, a principal at Curbstone Financial Management and co-founder of the Impact New Hampshire Fund; and
  • Ken Moulton, former president and Paul Harris Fellow of the Bow Rotary Club.

Time Magazine:

A lifelong Republican in New Hampshire has explained in a video interview why he is voting for Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden, attracting the attention of over one million viewers.

Les Otten, from Dixville Notch, took to Twitter and explained his reasoning for voting against the Republican incumbent President Donald Trump. “I am a lifelong Republican and I am voting for Joe Biden,” said Otten. “I don’t agree with him on many issues but I think it’s time to find what unites us and not what divides us.”

… “It’s time to rebuild the heart of what makes us a good country—that starts with electing leaders who have good character and are truthful and will put the country’s welfare above all else; who will show respect to all people regardless of their gender, their race, their religion or their political beliefs.

Yeah, I’m a Domestic Terrorist – nice “showing respect”. You know: this guy who has no problem in trying to get Government to be his Venture Capitalist.

And let’s not forget Steve Duprey, Tom Rath, and (again) Gordon Humphrey.

From Issues & Insights at the national level (and a bit of fisking again from me):

John Kasich: “I’m sure there are Republicans and independents who couldn’t imagine crossing over to support a Democrat. They fear Joe may turn sharp left and leave them behind. I don’t believe that because I know the measure of the man.”

Yeah, you sure did, didn’t you?  That fear turned out to be true as he has not just turned Left but also in deciding that he can further the “transformation” that Obama demanded.

Christie Todd Whitman: “We need to elect a leader matched to the moment, someone who can restore competence to the Oval Office and unify the country. Joe Biden is that leader.”

Competence and Unity – how’s that working for the rest of us, eh?

Bill Cohen: “We are in serious need of a leader with optimism and competence who gives us hope. Joe Biden is that leader.”

Yeah, hoping to get all these Dems thrown out and Biden retired.  You, as well – I don’t think you know what the meaning of optimism and competence really means, dontcha?

Rick Snyder: “Biden is the clear choice to put our country back on a positive path.”

Please define your usage of “positive” because, as just an ordinary schlub from central NH, I’m not getting it.

Cindy McCain: “There’s only one candidate in this race who stands up for our values as a nation, and that is @JoeBiden.”

Your values are certainly not Republican in mind or in any Republican Party Platform that I know of.

Meg Whitman: “Joe Biden … has a plan that will strengthen our economy for working people and small-business owners. For me, the choice is simple. I’m with Joe.”

Wanna reconsider that economics lesson, there Meg? A 1.5% drop in GDP this quarter and inflation rate that we haven’t seen in 40 years.  Hate to see what you’d call “bad”? Those in the know are fearful that Recession is around the corner.

43 Alumni for Biden: “We need someone who will quickly course correct and show us the path forward.”

Well, he certainly changed his course from how he campaigned, right?  I dryly note that every time I hear “forward” from either the Left or these Leftist-Lite, I still have no idea where that path is leading to.

Colin Powell: “What a difference it will make to have a president who unites us, who restores our strength and our soul.”

That happen yet? And if Biden has restored “our soul”, I’m wondering what kind of hell you’ve put us into?

Jeff Flake: “We need to elect someone … who will stop the chaos and reverse the damage.”

I’d love to hear his explanation for that.  Wonder which “damage” he was referring to as all I see around me is damage to the county.

Twenty U.S. attorneys: “We firmly believe that Vice President Joe Biden is the candidate who can – and will – provide the leadership we need to … to address the deep-seated societal issues that are roiling our country today. We give him our strongest endorsement.”

And I&I has a great line:

Notice how no “Republicans for Biden” are currently bragging about how they helped get Biden elected.

Nope, they aren’t. And this is why (reformatted, emphasis):

U.S. President Joe Biden’s public approval rating fell this week to 36%, the lowest level of his presidency, as Americans suffered from rising inflation, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll completed on Tuesday. The two-day national poll found that 59% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job performance. His overall approval was down six percentage points from 42% last week.

In a sign of weakening enthusiasm among Democrats, Biden’s approval rating within his own party fell to 72% from 76% the prior week. Only 10% of Republicans approve of his job in office.

How’s it feel, you dweebs, to be in the bottom 10% of your Party?  We can blame you for ALL of this.

I just figured I’d remind you all – and ask the if they are willing to repent and ask forgiveness from us all.

From me, nope.

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