Gunstock Area Commission – So Let’s See How Transparent Gary Kiedaisch Will Be about His Emails, Shall We?


It’s never the crime that’s the big deal – it’s always the coverup that’s the biggest problem and it looks like Gunstock Area Commissioner Gary Kiedaisch and former Commish Brian Gallagher are going to have a lot of explaining to do. 

Sidenote: and the “paper of record” in the Lakes Region, The Laconia Daily Sun, and the Salmon Press (with its weeklies scattered around the lake communities)?  Where have they been on all this?  They thought their puff pieces were sufficient as long as GMR kept buying those hefty sized ads in the Sun?

As you know, GraniteGrok was given access to the unredacted billings from the Devine-Millimet law firm as well as the preliminary report from PretiFlaherty law firm that the Code of Ethics that Kiedaisch was trying to foist on all the other Commissioners was null and void.

Being a Dillon’s Rule State, meaning that anything that a subdivision of the State wants to do MUST have a State Statute (NH RSA) authorizing/enabling that activity.  You know, the same Principle of Law I’ve been saying for the last two years about the Gilford School Board – show me the RSAs that allow you to nullify Freedom of Speech and lie to Parents.  For grins and giggles, find that report at the bottom of this post. It’s purpose, as many of these kinds docs are, are to show an “aspirational” face to the but are oft used by the politically nefarious to silence/muzzle/bench the “opposition” and make it harder to respond to bad things (or you’ll be accused of being uncollegial, selfish, out for themselves, not willing to “go along to get along” in addition to the other tropes that echos that old Beatles song “Under my thumb”.

However, the purpose of this post was to do another email demand of GAC related emails – those of Gary Kiedaisch.  It’s been clear that he decided that the GAC, and thus, Gunstock Mountain Resort, was going to be his plaything as if he was, yet again, the “Chair of the Board/CEO” of yet another entity, free do to what he wants. So I crafted yet another email Right To Know specifically tailored to him.

Why? I’ve been reading the past minutes of the GAC going back a few years.  I’ve now been to a few meetings of the GAC to observe him and his methodologies of action. I have listened to him go on about his background (quite a few times as he’s quite enamored with himself) to see how he sees himself in relation to others.  And now, in going through the unredacted billing records, seeing the racking up of tens of thousands of dollars going after anyone he sees is a threat to his Power,  his true petty (bordering on paranoia??) reveals itself (and yes, there are a few other observations that I’ll talk about in subsequent posts).

And he never thought he’d be found out.  Or Brian Gallagher, for that matter.

Sidenote: or maybe Brian did in finally realizing that his gig was up as he had turned into another “GAC seat squatter” like Rusty McLear when he sold his Belknap County home and didn’t resign immediate as he no longer fit the Commissioner requirement of being a “resident property owner in Belknap County”.

And Kiedaisch, unnecessarily, spent $600 of GMR money in what appears to a be a whining effort of “well, I HAVE to keep Brian on the GAC – I’m losing my Power Base!”

Kiedaisch goes legal to keep Gallagher on the GAC after home sale

(click on it to embiggen)

OK, time to cut to the chase.  While I wrote the below BEFORE the special GAC Non-Public meeting (and handed out hardcopies to Commissioners Ness, Lambert, and Wood; Strang and Kiedaisch attended telephonically), after reading those billing records, it is going to be a pleasure to get his emails into my hands.  Most of the assertions I made above, I’m quite sure, will be substantiated.  It’s going to be quite a pleasure to read them.

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A:4 (I) ), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records Otherwise, if this cannot be fulfilled within the mandated 5 business day window per RSA 91-A, please advise when the Responsive Records will be made available.

This requests any and all emails from any email accounts belonging to Gunstock Area Commissioner Gary Kiedaisch during the time period of January 1, 2021 through to end of day, May 6, 2022:

  • Individual outbound/inbound emails to or from Commissioner Kiedasich to any Gunstock Mountain Resort (“GMR”, or associated GMR entities) employees as part of his official/political duties (as being a politically appointed Commissioner is inherently a political post) concerning the operations/planning/expansion/politics of GMR.
  • Individual outbound/inbound emails to or from Commissioner Kiedasich to any member of the Belknap County Delegation (i.e., the NH House Representatives representing Belknap County) as part of his official/political duties (as being a politically appointed Commissioner is inherently a political post) concerning how GMR may be affected by the NH House Bills or amendments to such bills.
  • Individual outbound/inbound emails to or from Commissioner Kiedasich to any member of the NH State Senate as part of his official/political duties (as being a politically appointed Commissioner is inherently a political post) concerning how GMR may be affected by the NH Senate Bills or amendments to such bills.

This demand has been phrased in this fashion as he has made clear his specific rejection of the use of an official account.

However, since he has, in the past, submitted such responsive requests from at least one personal email account, the precedent has been set for his compliance to such a Right To Know demand as this.

The information for each responsive record shall include:

  • TO fields, FROM fields – all addresses
  • CC fields, BCC fields – all addresses
  • DATE fields
  • SUBJECT field
  • And the Body of the email itself.

Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

As you are aware, in 2016, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that a governmental body in possession of records is required to produce them in electronic media using standard common file formats: Green v. SAU #55, 168 N.H. 796, 801 (2016). Unless there is some reason that it is not reasonably practicable for you to produce these records in the requested format, I ask that you either do so or explain why it is not practicable for you to comply.

Please also note, per RSA 91-A:4 III, III-a, and III-b, you are required to maintain the safety and accessibility of such responsive records. This also includes such responsive records (e.g., emails) which may have been deleted from respective Inboxes but are still available on the applicable email server or in your / email host backup system(s).

Please let me know when these records will be sent to me for inspection.

You may email the responsive records to me at If the volume turns out to be substantial, I have already set up a Dropbox folder for all of your responsive records to which they can be uploaded

Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.


Skip Murphy





And if he doesn’t, he sure will be willfully confirming the coverup, now, won’t he?  It’s what happens when hubris outweighs humbleness.

Either way, Belknap County residents will have a much better picture of who he really is (in addition to the pettiness already shown in the actions of unredacted billing records).

PretiFlaherty Law firm report on the GAC Ethics Policy:

GAC PGC Letter to Commissioner Ness with Preliminary Reports 05 06 22 – for public release

To Be Continued


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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