Did Gunstock Area Commissioner Gary Kiedaisch Really Believe That Chair Peter Ness Would Do as He Demanded about GraniteGrok?

by Skip

I mentioned this email by GAC Commish Kiedaisch complaining about GraniteGrok during the last segment of GrokTALK! (YAY! We’re BACK!) that we recorded last Monday (with special guest Rob Russell of 2A Tactical who is also suffering from similar political action in Barrington).

Just wow – but not unexpected from GAC Commish Gary Kiedaisch from my standpoint. Now that the unredacted legal invoices from Devine-Millimet have been published (here) and that his “shove it down their throats” Code of Ethics  (think: not about Ethics but a Muzzle) was ruled to be out of bounds (can’t just make stuff up in this Dillon’s Rule, he has to change the political subject.

It has become clear that the walls are closing in and his Power base within the GAC has evaporated as the Belknap County Delegation Reps, for the most part, have turned more Red (Conservative). His only hope in continuing his GAC political career lies with a vote in the NH House on the totally shredded HB1397. Instead of simply extending the term of office of Rockingham elected officials from 2 years to 4, it completely rewrites RSA 399, the 1959 law that created the GAC, how it was to be an appointed board, how Commissioners were appointed by the Belknap County NH State Reps with a public vetting process. And this rewrite is brought to all of us via its Prime Stooges Sponsors NH State Senator Bob Guida and NH State Rep Tim Lang. As “election” of Commissioners then becomes countywide races, he gets to use all his money for such campaigns and reduces the chances of Joe and Jane Sixpack, no matter their experience as skiers goes, to nil. Only the rich, like Kiedaisch, Rusty McLear, and Hayden McLaughlin, can have a decent chance at winning such an office.

So, he decided to pick on moi, yours truly. Smooth move?  From my part, SURE!  He gets to experience the Streisand Effect (of which he is most likely ignorant of).  So he decided to use former Chair Brian Gallagher as a “victim” (even though he refused to resign once he sold his home in the County) or as a proxy and decided to complain about GraniteGrok.  And yes, this seems to be making some rounds as this is from a source via “friend of a friend” type of deal.  NOTHING is ever secure!

On Sunday, May 8, 2022, 11:04:43 AM EDT, Gary Kiedaisch <garykinusa@gmail.com> wrote:

I call your attention to an unfortunate current posting on the granitegrok that attacks former Commissioner Gallagher and the GAC.

I’d like to have this posting discussed at the next GAC meeting and put on the agenda.

Meanwhile, I’d encourage you to refer to and be familiar with the November 18, 2020 approved GAC meeting minutes on page 4 under; Miscellaneous.

Thank you,

Gary Kiedaisch

For context, Peter is Peter Ness, the GAC Commissioner that both Kiedasch and Gallagher were trying to throw off the GAC.  So, Kiedasich is “reduced” to appealing to the Chair that is his political enemy to “rid me of this meddlesome priest”; that would be me and GraniteGrok (the quote is attributed to King Henry II about Thomas Becket; I like the “pestilent” version better as in “who will rid me of this pestilent priest?”).  Yeah, there was a response to that and I nearly laughed myself sick.

At least he got the spelling as one word right.  Pretty much, that’s about ALL he gets right.  I write stuff and I write about stuff that I really enjoy or that is really irritating because of “politicians” deciding to make “something” their own “political toybox”.  Guess which one I’m talking about here!  So without him specifically quantifying WHICH post, I’ll pick three of my own AND what might be the teeny-tiny pebble up his butt. And remember that “attacks former Commissioner Gallagher and the GAC” bit as well – I will return to that.

1)    5/3: Gunstock Commish Kiedaisch: My ByLaws Trump State Statutes. Gilford School Board: Brava!

I pretty much just quote his own words and then picked this out of actual GAC Meeting minutes:

When G. Kiedaisch kept referencing the GAC ByLaws, D. Strang (a relatively new Commissioner and former State Rep) stated “Bylaws don’t trump RSAs,” to which G. Kiedaisch replied, “yes, they do”.

Pointing out his own words is “attacking” the GAC?

2)  5/6: Gunstock Area Commission – Non-Public Meeting, Released Billings, a Released Report, and a GAC approved Resolution AGAINST Guida/Lang/Kiedaisch spawned HB1397

I write about HB1397 rewriting RSA 399 and blaming Kiedaisch, Guida, and Lang for doing so – and doing it for political animus and retribution. Again. And this also has the unredacted invoices from Devine-Millimet from which I can only contend is that Kiedaisch (and to a lesser degree, Gallagher) using that firm as a way to wage lawfare against anyone he sees as a political opponent.

Point out his own actions is “attacking” the GAC? And Gallagher?

3)  5/7: Gunstock Area Commission – So Let’s See How Transparent Gary Kiedaisch Will Be about His Emails, Shall We?

While the top part of this post is a reminder of what has been going on with emphasis on the just released document, it’s also a rehash of what a Dillon’s Rule State is and that too few New Hampshire residents are cognizant of it – especially Kiedaisch (really, a GAC ByLaw trumps State Law?  The IGNORANCE of that! He’s just all over himself with such a statement!). But this is probably what Kiedaisch thinks is an “attack” on Gallagher:

Sidenote: or maybe Brian did in finally realizing that his gig was up as he had turned into another “GAC seat squatter” like Rusty McLear when he sold his Belknap County home and didn’t resign immediate as he no longer fit the Commissioner requirement of being a “resident property owner in Belknap County”.

And Kiedaisch, unnecessarily, spent $600 of GMR money in what appears to a be a whining effort of “well, I HAVE to keep Brian on the GAC – I’m losing my Power Base!”

Kiedaisch goes legal to keep Gallagher on the GAC after home sale

The upshot of the above is that Kiedaisch AND Gallagher knew that the latter was no longer fit the requirements of being a GAC Commish: he no longer lived in the County.  Kiedaisch knew (see above) and did not do the right thing. Gallagher CERTAINLY knew and did not do the right thing.

Pointing out their actions is attack[ing] former Commissioner Gallagher and the GAC“???  NO, none of this is or was. I didn’t write about the GAC: I didn’t mention Jade Wood. I didn’t mention Doug Lambert. I didn’t mention Dr. Dave Strang. And only Kiedasch mentions Peter Ness.

Nope.  I only mentioned two names: Kiedaisch primarily with Gallagher only in a minor support role.  Nope, my “current postings” are really only about him.  But he’s trying to blow smoke to make it about me (the pestilent priest), a relative nobody in the grand scheme of GAC things, and deflect from his own actions.

Reminder from Kiedaisch’s email: “I’d like to have this posting discussed at the next GAC meeting and put on the agenda”. Good luck with that (even though Kiedaisch has in the past, if you read the GAC Meeting minutes, of reading Op-Eds into the record).

Just remember, that if he wants to discuss this, I’ll be quite happy to oblige him with handouts (and most likely, highly amused) and speak during the Public Comment session.

Chair Ness, much to Kiedaisch’s dismay in trying to make this something other than about himself, applied QUITE the slapdown (I did not know that he was ever in the WWE!).  Emphasis mine:

From: Mr Peter Ness
Sent: Sunday, May 8, 2022 10:42 PM
To: ‘david strang’ ; Jade Wood; ‘Douglas Lambert’ ; Gary Kiedaisch <garykinusa@gmail.com>
Cc: ‘Tom Day’ <tday@gunstock.com>; ‘Karen & Brian Gallagher’ <ibelieve121@gmail.com>; ‘Rusty McLear’ <rusty@meredithbaycorp.com>; ‘Rep. Russell Dumais’ <sundeedumais@metrocast.net>
Subject: Re: GAC meeting agenda

Mr. Kiedaisch,

In response to your email of this morning, I glanced at an article posted in the Granite Grok dated May 7, 2022 regarding some question about your emails.  It referenced (a) the report from legal counsel and (b) the Devine Millimet invoices (respectively, the “Report” and the “Invoices”) made public at the special GAC meeting on Friday May 6, 2022.  My recollection is that you voted to release and publish the Invoices.  The GAC by majority vote reached a decision to  publish  the Report and Invoices “to the public“.  I was the sole “no” vote on releasing the Invoices if you also recall.

I released the Report to GAC members at 4:48 p.m. on May 6, 2022.  I also requested that Dr. Strang release the Invoices at 5:17 pm on May 6, 2022.

I have no knowledge of who received the Invoices or the Report after those actions on May 6, 2022.  It would appear that the Granite Grok people received those public records by May 7, 2022.    If someone is now using part or all of that information which you voted to make public and you don’t care for their words, your dispute is with the Granite Grok.

Likewise, should Mr. Gallagher or any other former commissioner have some issues with third parties, they too should speak with those parties.

I do not find discussing a commissioner’s discontent with third party speech at a GAC meeting a productive use of the commission’s time.  Accordingly, I will not add your agenda item to the agenda for the upcoming meeting.

I am copying your original distribution list as a courtesy.  I find it peculiar that you are cc’ing former commissioners about agenda items which are not germane to the GAC’s business for an upcoming meetings.


Peter G. Ness, Esq.


While Acting Chair, Kiedaisch had the ability to control the meeting agenda and engage in such political histrionics. It seems that a much sober-minded Chair is now in charge.





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