Wake Up and Laugh: MSNBC Host Warns Musk Could Use Twitter to Censor Political Candidates

Steve MacDonald

Is the Blue Bubble so small and tightly packed with navel-gazing Progs that this concern seems original to them, absent, say, what Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and YouTube have been doing for years?

Shadow-banning and physically banning people, not just people on the right but (potentially) anyone or anything that disagrees with or challenges the approved narratives on the left.



 “If you own all of Twitter or Facebook or what have you, you don’t have to explain yourself, you don’t even have to be transparent, you could secretly ban one party’s candidate or all of its candidates, all of it nominees.”


So, yes, that could happen, but Musk says he bought Twitter to stop that, which is why MSNBC host Ari Melber is so concerned. Twitter will no longer be able to do that (assuming Musk is true to his word), and people hearing words other than those approved by the machine terrifies them.

But it’s important to understand why it scares them.

They expect that you – being the impressionable idiots that they think you are – will be as easily misled by others as you should be by them. The entire “we’re experts and should run everything” infrastructure is built on the premise. Their public education monopoly exists to ensure it. But there’s no room for loose cannons or Mavericks unless they are like John McCain, a card-carrying member of the insiders club.

And Musk, once a darling of the Green-Energy EVs will-save-the-planet-lie, has defected. He’s gone rogue, which is also only acceptable when that means going right to left. His change amounts to treason: an insurrection of sorts, like the J6 protesters passing through doors held open for them by the capitol police.

But it’s worse than that. The Government made Musk. Billions in Federal loans got Tesla off the ground. He was to be the tip of the Left’ EVs are cool spear. And somewhere along the way, after years of getting raped by California liberals with their taxes and regulations, he discovered the truth.

And now, their monster has robbed them of a meaningful propaganda arm that moves at nearly the speed of light. A tool they’ll be able to continue using but not with impunity.

Every assumption could be challenged, with no one to prevent other views from not just appearing but achieving critical mass.

In other words, the rules would be the sesame for everyone, and they don’t just hate that they fear it.

When forced to defend their ideas, they are reduced to name-calling and misdirection, and with all those witnesses?

That can’t be allowed to stand.

So, they will bring the government to bear on social media the same way Twitter did before Musk.

With extreme prejudice and, as the title suggests, hilarious, in-your-face stupidity.


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  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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