Patriarchy Profile: Meat Bill

Turning Philanthropy Into Psychopathy

There is an unwritten rule amongst billionaires, I know because I’ve never read it anywhere. That is if one is blessed with tremendous wealth it falls upon them to assume the title “philanthropist.”

America, being the wealthiest nation in human history, has hundreds if not thousands of the self-appointed almost do-gooders.

The late 1800s saw the boom of the industrial and media ages converge producing such magnanimous magnates as Dale Carnegie, Andrew and Richard Mellon, William Randolph Hearst, John D. Rockefeller, and Henry Ford.

These two industries were critical to the success of these absurdly successful people who celebrate their successes in the media they control by appointing successors who assure a legacy of future success in what are called foundations. A foundation is the name given for the little people to believe these merchants of wealth are looking out for the good of the people upon whose backs they created their wealth rather than their actual purpose as tax shelters and money laundering operations. Ah, the smell of success!

Today’s billionaire class, having learned from their forebears, are not only mimicking the foundation model but has expanded the role of national philanthropist to include a globalist vision. Why just help your countrymen when you can control…er…help the world? Go big or go home plebes, unless we sub-primed your home out from under you that is.

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Meat Bill Gates. Mr. Gates and his now ex-wife Melinda, who doesn’t share his fondness for pedophiles because she’s old-fashioned (re: a bigot), started the cleverly named Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Rather than use it to control the country’s education direction, or slush the money around to buy politicians, this firebrand of philanthropic psychopathy has his sights set on total global domination, for the good of mankind of course.

Where previous philanthropists leaned heavily on the innate greed that comes with massive wealth Mr. Bill is the “hold my beer” brand of the uber elite. Who else could give a TED Talk and causally announce that his foray into “global health” means we can thin out the population by 10-15%?

Now I’m no mathematician or biologist for that matter, but if my calculator is working correctly that means he is amused to use his powers of phonological persuasion to thin down the herd by just over 1 billion people. That’s the nice thing about living by the billions, you don’t think of aborting one life but ONE BILLION LIVES (holds a pinky finger to the side of mouth)!

This of course is to be done with the vaccines that he invested in because why be just a prick when you can prick BILLIONS? Of course, this mandate to do good means doing well, or in his words “was the best business decision I’ve ever made” turning $10 billion into $120 billion. Some people might think about taking their billions and buying an island next to your friend Jeff’s island and living out your days playing with your genetically modified mosquitoes and the other perverts, but then how will the world ever be run by the philanthro-psychopath set? New World Order me up the answer to that question, please.

Reminiscent of consummate daddy’s boy Tiger Woods who now famously emulated his father’s predilection for the ladies, Mr. Bill likewise takes after his father Bill senior in more than name only. Mr. Bill senior was a long-time board member of the eugenicist favorite Planned Parenthood because population control requires planning people. It’s the low-brow psychos like Stalin and Hitler who go around killing people out in the open, which is so 19th Century. Today’s philanthro-psycho is like a vampire where you have to invite them in and they access your bloodstream in order to do the deed. For the good of mankind of course. Say it with me – phi-lan-thro-py.

Now for those who don’t succumb to any of the tens of hundreds of side effects of the experimental gene therapy, a few of you lucky winners will get to try some of Bill’s totally synthetic beef products! As Meat Bill knows, it’s not what’s on the outside but on the inside of you, that counts. This is why this synthetic meat will no doubt have nanobot technology that can be monitored via the same subdermal methods in the vaccines he hilariously patented with the number 060606 – because when you have enough money you can even make fun of Satan. Who’s laughing now Evil One?

So whether you’re a philanthropist, politician, pundit, pedophile, or all three there is a new sheriff in town folks.

Meat Bill.

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