One-Minute Read – Is This Why Leftists are So Rabid About Transing the Kiddies?

For close to a century, the progressive left has been engaged in a project to control the population. They are obsessed with it because Utopia is impossible without it.

Early eugenicists like Margaret Sanger were adamant about using birth control to suppress the birth rates of people the progressives viewed as undesirable. Mostly minorities and members of lower classes. And things were going well until a German bloke named Hitler took the idea to its logical conclusion.

Since then, the Left has pursued its plan in other ways. Destroy the families of minorities and the lower and middle classes folks.

On-demand abortion.

And the latest “innovation,” gender-altering drugs, and surgery for children.

If you cannot publicly justify the chemical castration of adults, do it while they are kids. Use the public-school monopoly and if anyone objects, call it medically necessary life-saving health care.

Joe Biden’s Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, said that.

A progressive regime obsessed with eugenics and population control calls chemical castration medically necessary.

That’s not a coincidence.



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