From the Something to Worry About File: Cruise Missile Systems Hidden in ‘Innocent Looking’ Cargo Container Ships

Steve MacDonald

The digitally animated presentation you are about to watch (two and half minutes long) demonstrates how a foreign power could deploy missile systems within striking distance of local targets with little to no warning.

And any conversation about these systems has to include EMP capabilities, and this would be an ideal application.


This unique capability introduced by the Russian 3R-54 ‘Club’ cruise missile manufacturer ‘AGAT’ features a containerized version of the cruise missile. The system, designated Club K, enables the deployment and launch of four cruise missiles per container, carried and operated from ‘innocent looking’ cargo ships, rail cars or trucks. The system comprises the launch container, mission planning and control module (in another container) and optional UAV carried in a third module.




You watched that, so how about this? A container ship from a Taiwanese company flying the flag of Hong Kong is grounded in the Chesapeake Bay.


March 13, 2022, a container ship, reportedly carrying general cargoand owned by Evergreen Marine became grounded in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay. The name of the 1096-foot ship is the Ever Forward, and the event took place almost exactly a year (March 23) after the Suez Canal was blocked by another Evergreen Marine container ship, the Ever Given.

To be fair, Evergreen is a Taiwanese company and many point out it is unlikely a Taiwanese company would be a threat to the United States. What’s strange here is that it’s not a Taiwan flag that’s being flown.

The location where the Ever Forward ended up grounding itself poses no obstruction to other cargo ships in the area and happened in such a way that there was no damage to the ship, no injuries were recorded, and no pollution took place. In short, its being grounded really creates no sense of urgency.

The US Coast Guard has stated that they’re not sure why the Ever Forward ran aground. (Surely, the Coast Guard isn’t insinuating they don’t know that big ships can’t travel in shallow waters. Are they referring to something else?)


Here’s the updated status of the vessel.

So, what to make of it?

There’s no indication of foul play either way, other than the oddly convenient circumstances and their proximity to DC. We are not suggesting otherwise. But the idea that these systems are probably in play will likely keep a few people up at night or should.

Are the people who need to be kept awake “up” and addressing likely threats, or are they up but too busy crafting rules to ensure that transgender women will be allowed to ruin sports for girls of all ages?

And do we have any EMP weapons (at all) floating around in these sorts of things or anywhere in any theater?

We might. The Air Force was testing them in 2015.





  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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