Boston Federal Judge to Hear Transportation Mask Mandate Case Tuesday Morning

Media Advisory for 9:30 a.m. ET Tuesday, April 26
A federal judge in Boston will hear arguments Tuesday morning on several motions pending in Seklecki v. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, one of 14 lawsuits pending around the country by members of Americans Against Mask Mandates seeking additional judgments declaring the Federal Transportation Mask Mandate unlawful and unconstitutional as well as holding airlines accountable for their illegal mask policies that discriminated against the disabled who can’t safely obstruct their oxygen intake.
U.S. District Judge Patti Saris will hear oral argument on 13 pending motions, including those filed by Plaintiff Michael Seklecki Sr. of Lake Mary, Florida, for preliminary injunctions against the federal government, American Airlines, and Southwest Airlines.
Seklecki is suing on behalf of himself and his 5-year-old autistic boy, Michael Jr., who has been harassed and banned by several airlines because he can’t cover his face. The family must travel to Boston often for Michael Jr.’s specialized medical care at Boston Children’s Hospital.

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Although a federal judge in Tampa, Florida, vacated worldwide the Federal Transportation Mask Mandate on April 18, the Sekleckis are continuing to press their case because CDC is appealing the judgment. That case also did not involve airlines and presented only three lines of argument for why the FTMM is unlawful.
The Sekleckis’ case also raises numerous constitutional issues and other legal matters including that the mandate runs afoul of the Air Carrier Access Act, a federal law protecting disabled airline passengers from discrimination.
The 9:30 a.m. Tuesday hearing will occur online via Zoom. You must register with the court to be in the audience:
CONTACT: Americans Against Mask Mandates Chairman Lucas Wall at 202-351-1735 or


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