Still waiting, Kevin Smith for Congress. Still no contact info on your website? Email me, please. Oh, and “Grok Gauntlets”

by Skip

This could be part of the definition of “unserious”. As I wrote about Kevin Smith’s entrance into the NH GOP nomination for US Senate race, I noted this back on January 25th about his website. With emphasis applied:

…There’s GOT to be a contact point (other than to give him money) for the campaign, right? To ask him questions?

No email. No phone. And no, I’m not writing a letter to a PO box. I left Twitter (that Leftist company let me know I wasn’t wanted) and Facebook (even more, I wasn’t “one of their types”).

Just that front page. That’s it.  One would think that if he was really serious, that website would have been ready to POP the second he announced he was a candidate. I’m looking at it right now.


Very unserious.  Thus the image at the top of the page.

Same image for us, but same website for Kevin Smith – not a thing has changed.  Even though he’s now putting out eblasts, there’s still no contact info on his website.  Now, do I know if the campaign is following GraniteGrok?  I dunno. I would hope but I don’t assume.  Do any of his followers read GrantieGrok?  I’m really kind of betting on it for the following purpose:

KEVIN!  Because people can’t get ahold of you, THEY ARE CONTACTING ME INSTEAD.  They have questions and they want you to talk to their groups. And have no way of doing so.

Bad look and bad Optics.

Like I said – unserious.  Heck, *I* want to ask this (and your opponents): are you willing to undergo a ‘Grok Gauntlet? But I can’t because you’re in hiding by not making it known how to contact you

Newspapers call them “Round Tables” where they ask you questions. Generally dopy ones.  We want to do the same in asking questions.

‘Cept, we ask FAR more questions (2 hours worth) and we ask FAR different questions.  And we ask our readers to send us questions to be used during our series of ‘Grok Gauntlets.  All are important and some get really, REALLY smart – and involved.  We do not go easy.

Yes, I toyed with the idea of livestreaming the sessions but that would give away too much to those still “on deck” waiting their turn.  So, we’ll record them and then when everyone in that race that wants to has had their time in the batter’s box, we’ll post them all – after all, you can’t put too much information into our readers hands.

And after all, being a Republican Primary and it is well known that the more a Conservative / Conservatarian a voter is, the likelihood of them voting skyrockets.

So our readers ARE your potential voters. And they WILL be voting. We can make it easy for you to talk to them. Or you can refuse – you have the Freedom of Choice.  To answer, or not, questions THEY are interested and not the Liberal journalists that want to do “Progressive Gotchas’. We don’t “do gotchas” but I will tell you all one thing – you’d better know your US and NH Constitutions, versed on the Culture Wars and how it affects the Right, be willing to talk nitty gritty Economics, Foreign Affairs, Federalism, The Proper Role of Government, and a whole bunch more – our Conservative interests run far and deep.

And no, Steve Negron, do not spread what my third most popular question is to ask – just help me pull that one off again, please


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