And Then There Were Three. Kevin Smith being the Latest Musketeer?

by Skip

We have General Don Bolduc, Chuck Morse, and Kevin Smith,  with Smith being the latest entrant into the US Senate Race in New Hampshire.  Two, certainly, of the GOPe insider crowd, and one outsider.

I’m sure we’ll see at least one other person jump in. For that slot, I’m thinking someone that can REALLY self-fund but not all that well-grounded in the political philosophy that would appeal to the Liberty and Freedom wing of the Party.

Sidenote: you know, what the Democrats would call Far Right Wing and Extremists. But who cares what they say in that anymore?  After all, ANYone that doesn’t toe their line is automatically branded with those monikers.  Even other Democrats like Manchin and Sinema.  They haven’t realized that any shock value, except for within the faithful 10% of their Far Progressive wing, has been stripped away from overuse.

Now, I wasn’t able to get to the announcement party but NH Journal seems to have done so, and writes.

echoing the slogan found on his campaign website: “A Kitchen Table Conservative with Local New Hampshire Values.”

Yep, that line is there at the top of Kevin’s campaign site.  Well, right on top AFTER the pleading for money (which really is at the top of the home page).

Here’s my problem – After watching what seems to be a gazillion campaigns with lots of catchphrases, I have no solid idea what that means. Too often, GOPe Republicans claim to be “conservative” in campaigning and turn out to be not much better than Democrats when voting.  To be honest, I knew what “local New Hampshire Values” used to be when I first moved here 36 years ago but with the rise of the Progressive / Socialist Democrats, I don’t know what that even means any more.

So, I surfed over to his website and wanted to see if he explains what they are.


I wanted to see what he meant by “kitchen table conservative” is.


Any other issues?  In depts (other than the second paragraph listing the talking points under the picture of him and his better half)?  EVERY candidate has an Issues page, right?


There’s GOT to be a contact point (other than to give him money) for the campaign, right? To ask him questions?

No email. No phone. And no, I’m not writing a letter to a PO box. I left Twitter (that Leftist company let me know I wasn’t wanted) and Facebook (even more, I wasn’t “one of their types”).

Just that front page. That’s it.  One would think that if he was really serious, that website would have been ready to POP the second he announced he was a candidate. I’m looking at it right now.


Very unserious.  Thus the image at the top of the page.



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