NH Independence activists have called for a demonstration to occur in front of the State House at Concord starting at 7:30 a.m. on March 10, then likely spreading throughout the House complex during the day.
The planned crack-of-dawn gathering precedes, perhaps only slightly, an expected full house vote on CACR 32. This is State Rep Mike Sylvia’s historic but longshot proposal to let all New Hampshirites vote on a declaration of independence.
However, there is much uncertainty as to what time the bill will come up for its vote during the day. So supporters are encouraged to show up even if they can’t make it until the afternoon. Activists expect to spread out in and around the House complex from the start, in order to hand out flyers to reps or do last-minute lobbying. Some should be wearing blue armbands to identify themselves to you.
What: You’re invited! NH Independence demonstration/lobbying prior to the expected vote. The NH State House will be deciding whether to let all New Hampshirites vote on CACR 32, a declaration of independence from the United States.
Where: Primarily in front of the NH State House, Concord NH…followed by other locations around the House complex
When: Thu, March 10 7:30 a.m. in front of the House, gradually spreading around the complex throughout the day
Why: Because D.C. has a literal million-page list of things the people are banned from doing and will grow until it consumes you if we don’t try something peaceable-but-different.
How: Some “NHexiters” should be identifiable by their blue armbands even if they become spread out and occupied by flyering.
Other details are at NHexit.US. Updates may also appear at: https://forum.shiresociety.com/t/vote-for-amendment-march-10th/13173
…along with further thoughts regarding the double-standard of supporting Ukraine’s independence while opposing ours.