A Simple Question For Our Intrepid “Inflation-Hawks”

There is no question that the policies of the Biden-Regime are inflationary … indeed hyper-inflationary. Both of the GOP-Establishment candidates for U.S. Senate are running as “Inflation-Hawks”:

The seeds of the inflation were planted in 2020, however, by Lockdown-Governors, including Chris Sununu, who essentially shut down the United States economy in response to COVID … supposedly because that’s what “the science” said to do, but in reality in order to wreck the economy and thereby wreck Trump’s reelection.

The federal government responded to the Lockdown-Governors shuttering the economy by engaging in massive deficit spending in an attempt to mitigate the effects of shutting down most of our economy. This massive deficit spending is contributing to the inflation we are suffering under today.

The simple question I have for our “Inflation-Hawks” is this: Did you oppose the lockdowns … or did you support the lockdowns and the corresponding massive deficit spending?

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