On the Topic of Vaccine Hesitancy – I Don’t Need a Jab for Typhoid Either …

When fear and intimidation are not enough, apply snarky labels to people to make everyone uncomfortable. You can go in heavy with terms like COVID denier or Anti-Vaxxer or lean into something less derogatory like vaccine-hesitant.

I don’t know any COVID deniers personally. Everyone I know gets that COVID exists and it is a threat to specific high-risk individuals. No debate there. COVID policy, on the other hand, its effectiveness, in particular, has lots of doubters, but that’s not the same thing.

And I don’t know any anti-vaxxers either. Some folks are big on informed consent. They listen to experts but do their research, talk to their doctor or other health professionals and decide what will work for them or their family. You know, the way Democrats pretend it works with abortion.

It’s a choice.

If someone came up to you tomorrow and said Pfizer had produced 6 billion doses of vaccine for Typhoid, and everyone in the northern hemisphere needs to get that (just in case), you’d think they had rats in their braincase. Don’t forget the Typhoid vax-passports. And no speaking up at the School Board meeting or traveling (especially in NJ), or whatever unless or until you’ve had your Typhoid jab (and maybe a few boosters!).

The skeptical leftish lurkers are making pshaw sounds, but it’s an important point. It is the point.

Why is no one making you awful Americans get a jab for Typhoid?

Risk. There is none, and that’s an important point.

I don’t want the COVID Jab for several reasons, including that I don’t need it. The only time I ever get the flu is after some persistent health care professional has convinced me to give that year’s flu vaccine a shot. Getting the shot almost guarantees I’ll get the flu.

If I get the COVID shot, I will probably catch COVID, which, as it happens, is increasingly common for lots of other people. So, no thanks.

The second reason you might not want a COVID jab is you are at low risk for complications from flu.

There are plenty of treatments for the symptomatic, asymptomatic, or healthy but cautious (or paranoid, but not as paranoid as the COVIDIOTS). These also work for people at higher risk but not high risk.

In other words, there’s no need for a pharmaceutical injection even if it worked and had no side effects.

Finally, most people I know are not COVID deniers, anti-vaxxers, or vaccine-hesitant. They are government-can fix-it deniers or Bureaucratic response team-hesitant. And time has proven them right.

Our government has wasted insane sums of money for no measurable public good. Their policies have resulted in countless deaths through mistreatment. They have barred or hindered the use or access to safe, effective treatments that would keep people out of hospitals. The vaccines made people sick who might have never been and harmed many who were never at risk. And their Non-Pharemceutical policy interventions have done immeasurable harm to millions on a scale we may never be able to measure. The people in denial about that are more likely to call you an anti-vaxxer or vaccine-hesitant.

So no, I’m not vaccine-hesitant. I’ve had loads of them, as have my kids, and vaccines have helped eliminate or limit infection or disease that was previously a genuine health threat.

But you can’t prevent the flu, nor should you persist in trying to inoculate every human being on the planet against it. It is expensive, unnecessary, wasteful, bad policy, and even harms the environment. The carbon footprint for such a project is immense. See what I did there? It harkens back to that post about medical masks in tortoise noses (and yes, that’s another problem government will want to solve after creating it).

The government only knows how to waste time, money, and resources. If you want to save the people, or the planet, cut back on the federal government. I promise almost immediate results with no injections needed unless you decide you want or need them.

Your choice.




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