Colin Kaepernick’s Latest Scheme “In the Name of Justice” Barely Moves the Needle

Steve MacDonald

In his latest leap for relevance, Colin Kaepernick has found a new way to spend some of that money he made in spite of all that oppression from “The Man.”

Multi-Millionaire Kaepernickus has offered to pay for a second autopsy if your loved one dies in prison or police custody.


The former quarterback turned activist is launching an initiative through his “Know Your Rights Camp” that will offer free autopsies to any family of someone who dies in prison or police custody that wants a secondary examination done. The goal behind the Autopsy Initiative (a truly uninspiring name) is to expose racism and potential cover ups from the prison industrial complex. A group of certified pathologists will perform the autopsies and will attempt to “eliminate any biases” in the first autopsies.


Start with Jeffrey Epstein, Justice Scalia, that friend of Ghislaine Maxwell, Ashli Babbitt; wait I have a list here somewhere. If those folks are too white, how about George Floyd. He killed himself with a massive Fentanyl overdose, but dying in police custody cost thousands of blacks their homes, livelihoods, and many lives, not just from the riots.

Inner-city crime is at record levels because of that nonsense, and the Left’s defund police movement, so let’s talk about justice.

And I’m not even opposed to the autopsy thing. More transparency all around is a good thing. And pathologists will happily take his money. But Kaepernickus could do a lot more good if he focused some of that 20 million he is estimated to be worth at the source of systemic racism and oppression. Democrat rule.

It takes a set to whine about the injustice of police brutality and white people in cities whose law enforcement has been managed by Democrats for half a century. The problem isn’t racism. It’s liberal supremacy. Every decline in standards of life, learning, and living on these urban plantations is a product of Prog policy.

You name it, bad schools, high crime, homelessness, unaffordable housing, poisoned drinking water, declining sanitation, poverty, pollution, and political corruption. The majority of these problems result from a handful of US cities run into the ground by Leftists.

If Kaepernickus were genuinely interested in justice, he’d be looking under the left boot, but there’s no evidence he’s that guy.

He is a guilt-ridden, increasingly radical leftist looking for someone else to blame for his good fortune.

He worked hard and achieved success. Playing the game made him wealthy and comfortable, and now he can’t stand how well off he is but being a professional asshole got him booted from his chosen profession. Now his buckets of cash come from sweat-shop multinationals like Nike, so he can afford to pretend he is interested in oppression.

We can pretend this bothers him on some level, but I doubt it. Not in any meaningful way, or he’d be facing off against the Left until they canceled him and then coming back for more. I’ve seen nothing from him to suggest he’s got that much backbone.

He likes their adoration too much to allow truth to ruin that party. So, we get an autopsy initiative, which is not a complete waste of time. There’s plenty wrong with prisons and if the system is mistreating inmates let’s expose that. But on the scale of meaningful systemic change, this barely moves the needle.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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