A Gold Medal for Racism

The 2022 Winter Olympics are kicking off in Beijing. Many have coined these games in a highly controversial manner as the “Genocide Games.” They are taking place close to the second anniversary of the Coronavirus Project.

The global movement sponsored by the UN, WHO and WEF to rebrand the common cold. In the United States, there has been an interesting national debate on the Games.

North American political cultures are still reeling from the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the run-up to which was characterized by the U.S. Democrat party sponsoring and encouraging nationwide protests spearheaded by Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

These two organizations became the de facto brownshirts for the Democrat party, which was hell-bent on unseating Donald Trump from successfully winning a second term. The 45th POTUS had been threatening to derail the Coronavirus Project for months, and he would likely have succeeded.

U.S. Democrats and their international network of corporates and diplomats were willing to trade American sovereignty for their personal power, and they did.


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The result was full-blown fascism in the USA, as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Joseph Biden took power in what was essentially a coup, covered up by massive propaganda campaigns and censorship, fueled by fear from the distraction of coronavirus.

A power axis of big tech, big pharma, and big media companies worked in unison to quell dissent in the national conversation. Those who acted out in dissent were jailed. Those who spoke out publically were kicked off social media platforms and fired from their jobs.

This was cookie-cutter Soviet-style totalitarianism. After years of incriminating Trump for being a fascist, which he assuredly was not, the U.S. Democrats revealed themselves to be the fascists.

Fascism is an alignment of corporate and government interests to the detriment of the common citizen, supported by heavy-handed authoritarian policies to destroy domestic political opposition. In today’s USA, we are seeing the axis of big pharma, big tech, and big media align with the U.S. Democrat Party to enact policies that destroy the common citizen. Social mobility is paralyzed. Class mobility may only be achievable for those well-connected to the ruling party.

This brand of fascism has specific ties to the same that was practiced by a party called Nationalsozialismus circa 1930 in Germany. That party had an overt disdain for parliamentary democracy, which they steamrolled with one-party authoritarianism.

They disliked media transparency, implementing instead a nationwide propaganda campaign. They were huge fans of eugenics and scientific racism, refining medical practices with the express intent of separating the German people into pureblooded Aryans and the demonized Jews.

That did not end well. The German state was destroyed and European civilization shattered. Millions died in world war. The victors of the war held military trials in Nuremberg, sentencing twelve of the German leaders to death for atrocities committed.

There are many distinct similarities between the modern US Democrat Party and the Nazi Party circa 1930. Specifically, they are atrociously racist. They are so racist that they rely on racism as a political weapon, calling anyone who opposes their political ideologies and policies racist. They have called bridges racist. The Italian national soccer team was racist for winning the UEFA EURO.

American Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called her critics racist when she was caught vacationing in Florida to escape her city’s tyrannical political climate. News outlets that aren’t part of the Democrat propaganda machine are called racist simply for publishing other perspectives. Popular podcaster Joe Rogan has been labelled racist for refusing to take tyrannically mandated highly controversial coronavirus vaccines.

It’s become a sign of idiocy to be the one to be calling others racist. The ones calling others racist are the real racists.

Through it all, none of the US Democrat-cum-fascists have paid much heed to China. In fact, Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi recently came out saying not to criticize China. Why would she do this?

China is a country where one political party has ruled consistently for over fifty years. They have a wildly different cultural history— one defined by emperors and authoritarianism. China is not the United States. It may not be the USA’s place to force other countries to adopt a particular political model. However, the USA can call out other countries for committing human rights abuses, in the hope that they will stop and treat their citizens with more civility.

China is a country where the majority ethnicity, the Han, composes an estimated 95% of the citizenry. Imagine if the USA were 95% white. It’s not. Some African countries are 95% black. Some Middle Eastern countries are 95% Semitic. About 60% of the US is the majority ethnicity. The US is one of the planet’s most ethnically diverse countries. It may even be the most diverse!

The Han ethnic group is also dominant in Korea. In fact, the Chinese writing system is called “Han Writing”, 漢字. Korea is called “Han Country”, 韓國. The characters for Han are different, but do you think there are two different Han ethnicities? Know. There’s one.

The Han ethnicity considers itself the purest, most advanced people on the planet. They are also the most barbaric and savage. They have a long history of barbarism and savagery.

Have you heard of Ghengis Khan? At one time, this man and his tribe led a group that conquered and united almost all of Asia, all the way to Europe, the Middle East, and through what is today India. Their legacy is massive. Khan is a common surname, typically connected to powerful families and institutions across Asia.

If you pronounce Khan with a voiceless pharyngeal fricative for the /kh/ sound, as if you are attempting to spit something up to clear your throat, it sounds like a rough /h/. The hard /k/ sound is not pronounced. This is a point on linguistics.

The connection between Khan and Han transcends spoken language, and it is accurate because it also transcends millennia. Languages change gradually across generations. The Han people and the Khans, which may be the same ilk, have been around a long time. Their ancestral homeland has always been the Mongolian grasslands, the lands surrounding the Bohai Sea, and the Korean peninsula. They are a transnational group.

I was living at one time with a group of Chinese graduate students in Hong Kong. We sat around idly having a few beers on a Friday evening. One was from Hubei, northern China. One from Guangdong at the mouth of the Pearl River. One from Shanghai. One of them made a comment about something or another to which my response was, “That’s a bit racist.” The Shanghainese gentlemen retorted quickly, “I am racist!”

I’ll never forget that conversation. It really took me aback. I laughed in astonishment. I couldn’t fault him for it. In the USA, people are typically a bit ashamed when something they say is characterized as racist. Here was a man who embraced it, reveled in it, and bragged about it. He not only did not care about whether or not he came across as racist, he was happy to claim it.

I have changed the way that I see the Chinese and the way that I see racism. Why is race considered both in a biological sense and also an athletic sense? What are groups of people competing to achieve? It’s rather outdated to refer to a group of people as a race if we use that idea as a way to divide people by skin color. For a political party like the US Democrats to so casually throw this term around is extremely regressive.

US society is not starkly divided by race, despite the fact that the Democrats want their followers to talk about it and focus on it. Ethnicities in the US are highly integrated. More so than anywhere else on the planet.

Next time some Democrat calls you racist for something that most evidently is not. Simply turn it back on them:

“I’m racist? No. YOU are racist. I’m not going around discriminating, segregating, and obsessing over peoples’ skin color.”

In fact, skin color is one of the least important individual characteristics for me when I interact with people. I rarely refer to people by skin color. And I prefer not to. It’s beautiful to be able to live in a society where people are different shades, but the shades mean nothing for peoples’ individual levels of success, health, power, prestige, intelligence, or anything else. All of these individual traits are determined solely by how a person chooses to lead their life. By individual will and action.

This is not a mentality common in China. I worked in China for seven years. A colleague of mine, an English teacher, was a darker-skinned American man. Another colleague, a Chinese woman, remarked candidly to me that she didn’t want to work with him. She called him “a ghost”, using a Chinese term that also means “ghoul” or “demon”. She hid her face when she said it and said she was scared of him. This is an extremely problematic reaction to interacting with someone of another skin color.

Keep in mind that it was only a short time ago when it came to light that at a closed-door session of CCP members, a speaker boasted proudly that Biden was in the CCP’s pocket, and that they didn’t want Trump as POTUS because he was not as easily controlled by Beijing. He received large applause for the statement.

The CCP, the Han, is now hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics. If anyone deserves a gold medal, it’s them. A gold medal for racism.



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