Progressive community organizer and sometimes Ward 10 Concord City Councilor Zandra Rice Hawkins wanted a mask mandate for the state Capital. All the finest left-wing-run urban toilets have them. How would it look if we didn’t cling to the faulty science and add one too?
I have to be honest, when we reported on this upcoming vote, the turn of phrase that came to mind was “sh!t through a goose.” This is Concord. It may not be the liberal capital of New Hampshire (Hanover, Plymouth, Dartmouth, Nashua?), but it’s the political capital and top-heavy with progs and dems and libs, oh, my!
I bet super lefty Zandra thought the same way.
It failed by a vote of 11-4.
You can read more about the individual councilors’ thoughts here, but the gist looks like this.
During the action phase, Fred Keach, an at-large city councilor, said he would be voting against the proposal. While he admitted to wearing face coverings a lot, he said it was like wearing a seatbelt — don’t wear one if you don’t want to, but it is kind of silly if you do not, he said. He also raised concerns about enforcement. …
“I think the population has been educated,” she said. “I think we need to take some personal responsibility here.”
Letting people choose to wear a mask or not. What is this, America? That sort of talk is enough of it to shake your faith in Leftist stupidity.
Don’t worry. It is still Concord, New Hampshire.
“The point is,” she said, “we should be encouraging everyone to get vaccinated. We need to bring our circles of friends in around us.”
I’m not sure about the population, but the Councilor has been poorly educated. These vaccines not only do not prevent infection and spread, they increase the odds of both with or without a mask mandate, of which the Concord City Council wanted no part.
Rice Hawkins called a point of order for reconsideration but other councilors said she could not request one because she voted on the losing side. She said, however, some people who helped to work on the ordinance were now voting against improving it. Rice Hawkins said, frustratingly, she came back early from holiday to work on the ordinance.
“I’m literally just requesting a reconsideration,” she said.
A reconsideration was not accepted.
No mask mandate for Concord is good news, but we are left with another question. Where was Zandra when she shortened her holiday to work on her failed mask mandate ordinance?
I hope it wasn’t Florida.