SJW Blames Inequity for Bronx Fire That Killed 17 When It Was Actually Just the Fault of Democrats

Get a load of this—a city run by Democrats forever. A massive urban bureaucracy crafted by leftists for leftists. The so-called champions of people of color, SJW, blah blah blah. They had plenty of opportunities to prevent a tragedy.

But couldn’t get it done, so the problem has to be inequity.


The deadly fire that claimed the lives of 17 people in a high-rise tower in the Bronx is a grim reminder of how space heaters can be a “symbol of inequity,” [Julie Colon, a tenant organizer with the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition] said, representing dangerous housing conditions, poor infrastructure, and neglect in lower-income neighborhoods and communities of color. Many of those displaced in this week’s fire are families originally from Gambia in West Africa.


And if the Democrat-run city had done its job and enforced its kajillion regulations, the safety-first progressives insist are necessary to prevent tragedy (because the government knows better), almost no one, or perhaps no one, at all needed to die.

But let’s blame the space heaters and some notion of inequality associated with them and their ability – when misused at least half as badly as the NYC fire code was by New York Bureaucrats – for the needless deaths of 17 New Yorkers.


Let’s do that.

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