January, 6th - Ann Kuster's Left-Wing Panic Porn - Granite Grok

January, 6th – Ann Kuster’s Left-Wing Panic Porn

Ann Kuster - Defend Abortion Rights Rally

I have not read it but the Union Leader has an article today about the events of January 6 2021. In it, Dem NH House Rep Ann Kuster ponders what might have happened had “they” caught up with her.


Ann Kuster on Jan 6


Torn you limb from limb.

This is a quote from a sitting member of congress about the events of January 6th. Nit the actual events but the ones the Left has been circle-jerking around the caucus campfire for twelve months.

It’s a ghost story, embellished with each retelling until vapid placeholders like Ann Kuster ponder in the state’s largest paper whether she would have been torn limb from limb.

As if that happens.

Well, in Ann Kuster’s mind it could.

That’s not a compliment.

