Intellectual Dishonesty - Hey, Union Leader, You Can't Have it Both Ways! - Granite Grok

Intellectual Dishonesty – Hey, Union Leader, You Can’t Have it Both Ways!

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Yoda: Intellectually dishonest, they are. SHOTAgainst “bounties” for illegal activities by Teachers

A posse of self-styled “liberty moms” has offered a $500 “bounty” on teachers found to be violating New Hampshire’s new law banning the teaching of “divisive concepts” in public schools.

In Exeter, a high school freshman was suspended from athletics for apparently violating some language code about genders. A lawsuit has followed on the teen’s behalf by the Christian group Cornerstone Action to challenge whether it’s OK to punish kids for being Catholic.

Naturally both stories have been showing their legs online, grist for the mill of partisan websites, pundits, and influencers nationwide. Thus is New Hampshire presented to the world.

It’s a nice image: Cash rewards for ratting out teachers, “inclusive” public schools tossing Catholics off sports teams.

P.T. Barnum loved a show, but if his train rolled into the Queen City today there would be a PETA picket line waiting for selfies as the pachyderms got prodded into place. Oh, wait, the pet police shut down that circus long ago.

What’s next for a TikTok money shot, another attempt to recall New Hampshire’s motto?

CHASER: It’s GOOD to  use bounties for illegal activities

As the high-profile search for Harmony Montgomery continues, Manchester police are promoting a reliable tool in police work — cash rewards for tips.

On Wednesday, police announced that anyone who provides information about the whereabouts of 7-year old Harmony, last seen around November 2019, could pocket $104,000.

UPDATE: Now up to around $140,000

Veteran law enforcement officials say tips, whether they come because of a reward or not, are valuable ways to find people and solve crimes. Although rewards have their drawbacks, they encourage people to talk.

“Some people are motivated by money,” said Patricia LaFrance, a former Hillsborough County Attorney. “Most likely, anybody who knows where this girl is is not the most upstanding citizen.”…

The UL can’t keep it straight. Is a “reward” good for finding a little child and the dastardly person who nabbed her? If you read the article, it seems that the UL is all for it.  Money can help when someone breaks the law.

But the first?  Note that they call it a bounty – trying to cast aspersions upon the Moms For Liberty group – who is ALSO looking for someone who breaks the Law.

Kidnapping is against the Law. But so is teaching the precepts against teachers having lesson plans built upon Critical Race Theory that one skin color is always oppressive and another is always oppressed. Both are stigmatizing – making one race evil and the others incapable of standing up for themselves.

I guess that the UL is just fine with the latter one – by their own words.

Truth be told, the UL is right on the Harmony story – money can make for loosening lips for a tip. Teachers are not, Union Leader, always the paragon of law-abiding citizens (remember that Concord teacher story you harped on for quite some time?).

And, truth be told, the Moms for Liberty group is right on the teachers breaking HB2 / divisive concepts law story as well.

I’m gonna wait to see how the UL explains why one law breaker is more kosher than another (other than little kids stories sell more papers) but I’m not going to hold my breath. So, if y’all out there see that they mention this, let me know please, as I doubt they’ll reach out to us directly.

That would admit that they are wrong on rewards/bounties based on circumstances.

Which is intellectually dishonest.

