College Hack: Just Do This Guys And You Can Parade Naked Through Women’s Locker Rooms …

If gender is a social construct, then so is transgenderism. If it’s all made up in people’s heads, all of it is. But don’t rely on something tangible like biology to break that tie; you’ll be called a bigot, which makes no sense.

Just ask the vaginas on the UPENN Women’s Swim Team who share locker space with Lia Thomas and “her” penis.


Sharing a locker room with transgender swimmer Lia Thomas has become a point of contention for some of her University of Pennsylvania teammates, who feel uncomfortable changing in the private space with someone undergoing gender transition, the can reveal.

‘It’s definitely awkward because Lia still has male body parts and is still attracted to women,’ one swimmer on the team told in an exclusive interview.

Lia has told her teammates that she dates women.


So, Lia, who has a penis and dates and is attracted to biological women, stole a spot on the roster from team vagina and continues to steal victories from them as well. But all that winning hasn’t changed the level of discomfort in the locker room.


‘Multiple swimmers have raised it, multiple different times,’ the UPenn swimmer said. ‘But we were basically told that we could not ostracize Lia by not having her in the locker room and that there’s nothing we can do about it, that we basically have to roll over and accept it, or we cannot use our own locker room.’


What to do? have you considered accusing him, sorry her, of rape? He (sorry she) digs chicks, has exhibitionist tendencies, and he, sorry she is in a room full of young, fit, sporty, women in towels or undergarments or nothing at all.



You might even convince some lying rag like Rolling Stone to publish that story, but fake rape is rape so let’s not go there.

Why not just point and laugh? Make jokes about the size or shape.

Or, better yet, whip it with a wet towel every time he lets it out. Women with penises are pigs, but they can still be trained. And we’ll get breathless stories in the media about how he, sorry, she’s upset because a bunch of vaginas whipped his penis.

Sounds like schoolyard justice to me.




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