Andy Ngo “Virtual Event” – BEHOLD the Amazing Production Quality of Dartmouth College

by Skip

GraniteGrok does video; we have over 4,000 videos on our YouTube channel and we’re rapidly moving to GabTV. But I readily admit, we’re amateurs. 

We use video to cover political events that the NH mainstream media won’t (for the most part). If they do they’ll only do a few seconds while we do the entire event.

But I would never call ourselves “professional videographers” in any sense. We’re still, for example, addressing persistent audio quality issues which we may have resolved.

That said, you would think that Dartmouth, with a PROFESSIONAL department at “one of the world’s most prestigious colleges” would be staffed with “professional videographers” – especially at an event THEY wanted to always have on an online version only.

They’d make sure that ONLY the highest levels of production qualities would be put into place in order to put the “best foot forward” in making Dartmouth College appear to be that “prestigious college”.

Sadly, Dartmouth College’s Associate Director (Conferences and Events) Jim Alberghini didn’t deliver.

And yes, I’m picking on him but for good reason. He was part of the cabal that canceled the in-person event for Andy Ngo / Gabe Nadales put on by the Dartmouth College Republicans and put on their own “virtual event”.  Using a PC. With a crappy built-in webcam.  You would have thought that having a plan made in advance to force the DCRs to go virtual, would have had lights, mics, a good camera, a couple of chairs.

Instead, it had all the quality of a dorm room.

Sorry, had to get that all in FIRST.  I was sent a recording of the event.  I put the whole thing up on our GraniteGrok YouTube channel but it’s an hour long.  I was hesitant as it’s well known that YouTube will kill off an entire video or an entire channel on a whim simply because they hate conservatives.  It’s still there and I’ve embedded it a bit further down in this post.

However, being that the Internet Attention Span isn’t the longest in the world, I have chopped up the session into smaller bites of time, and here are the first two. The other five will be put up over time.

Part 1:


Part 2:


Entire Session:


Sorry, but going virtual LOSES a lot in translation. Speakers often thrive on seeing faces in front of them.  Most can “read the room” and decide how to proceed to make an event more memorable and to pass on their messages in a way that appeals to their audience as it changes from venue to venue.

Doing it this way, IMHO, with very little time to prep and rejigger a presentation, was a dishonest trick by Dartmouth College upon a speaker they didn’t want in the first place by a group they seem to wish didn’t exist.



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