Men Are Getting Vasectomies to Protest Texas Abortion Law?

by Skip

OK, I’ll go there: this is just nuts! Men Getting Vasectomies to Protest Texas Abortion Law. What?

Reformatted, emphasis mine, and getting those cringes that men get when they see another guy “taking it in the jewels” as I write this:

Calling it an “act of love,” some men are getting vasectomies in protest of Texas’ restrictive new abortion law, upheld earlier this month by the U.S. Supreme Court.

That would be the “Heartbeat Law” that stops all abortions after an unborn baby’s heartbeat can be detected – at about 6 weeks after conception (you know, that act when a baby’s sex/gender has been determined by mitosis and NOT that stupid “assigned at birth” crapola that the Militant Transgenders are always yammering about). Any citizen can have charges brought up against a doctor that subsequently does an abortion procedure on that baby.

“Koushik Shaw,” reports the Washington Post, “a doctor at the Austin Urology Institute in Texas, said his practice saw about a 15 percent increase in scheduled vasectomies after the Sept. 1 Texas abortion ban went into effect.”

At the very least, it’s nice to hear a postmodern doctor admit that there are genuine biological differences between men and women. Dr. Shaw also told the Post that this is the first time that “patients are citing a state law as their motivating factor.” That’s right: Men are getting the ol’ snip-snip for political reasons, not for reasons of health or family planning.

As my friend and PJ Media colleague Chris Queen quipped to me, “And we’re the extremists?”

These guys (or, given their beta male status warped with SJW sugarplums leftover from a “Happy Holidays” Christmas) are just addled. I really can’t think of a better word to use (but I’m certainly open to some!).  Seriously, they think that protesting this Law is well represented by neutering themselves?  Why don’t they just go do the “The Full Eunuch” and have a parade about their new sex/gender “identity” and also add a very much disused letter to the alphabet salad (because who can bother to keep up with how it changes):


Seriously, this is supposed to be some great “protest” idea?  WHO IS GOING TO WANT TO KNOW besides them? Sorry, this is akin to cutting off your hands and saying “See what I did for Gun Control? I can’t pull any triggers anymore!”.

And no, I’m not going there…

(H/T: Instapundit)

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