The Rittenhouse Verdict. What We learned - Granite Grok

The Rittenhouse Verdict. What We learned


On November 19, the Kenosha jury rendered Kyle Rittenhouse an acquittal. With the passing of time pundits, liars and bloviators weigh in with their faux legal “opinions.” Prevarication is the platform on which the assorted Cuck Legal pundits stage their extralegal tripe.

 The Trial

This Sham trial went on for two weeks. The jury deliberated for 28 hours, rendering “Not Guilty” on all five charged counts. The nation endured two weeks of lies, prosecutorial misconduct, and the legal origami of T. Claire Binger and his portly sidekick, James “Sauer” Krauss. These corrupt, morally bankrupt prosecutors provided a live lesson in Prosecutorial misconduct.

We bore witness to live jury tampering by the media, attempted jury intimidation with death threats to the judge and the protestors outside the courthouse. James Morrison chased down the jury bus. Morrison did so under instruction from Irene Byam, a content producer from NBC. The judge subsequently barred CNBC from the trial. Loud protesting leftists used bullhorns demanding a guilty verdict.

The Verdict

Immediately following the verdict, the corporate leftist media took to the cameras and microphones with their usual tripe, denouncing the verdict. The leftist corporate pundits spared no pejoratives. A full cornucopia of leftist Pabulum, encompassing rants about a “travesty of justice,” with indictments of the American judicial system.

It was like living in an alternate universe. A live redux of “A Clockwork Orange” unfolding right in front of us. It was surreal. Personally, I stopped watching.

Morons Everywhere!

I possess a great deal of experience in firearms, weapons, and the use of force. I also have an undergraduate degree and I have attended law school.

I am a nationally certified firearms instructor. I am former Law Enforcement and Military. Some might even call me a “subject matter expert” in all of these genres. With that said, Set it all aside. Having witnessed all the morons opining in this case with like or similar backgrounds, I humbly say my own credibility is now in the toilet, thanks to them.

Instead, let us simply look at this case from the “average person” standard.

From this point forward, no technical legal jargon mumbo jumbo. No subject matter expert taking down to readers. We have seen what the likes of esteemed law professor Laurence Tribe have done.

We have seen the TV Lawyers skewer Kyle Rittenhouse. No more morons. We, the unwashed are sick and tired of being treated like mouth-breathing morons. Agreed?

Laws on the Use of Force

Most States (If not all) recognize a right to self-defense. Oftentimes people confuse Castle Doctrine with Stand Your Ground. Many think both principles are interchangeable. They are not. Some States laws have a duty to retreat. Other States do not.

If you are in your own home, you generally do not have a duty to retreat (Castle Doctrine). If Outside the home, and in a place where you have a lawful right to be, you also have no duty to retreat, (Stand Your Ground) provided your state has stand your ground. This is the natural right of self-defense, provided you are not the aggressor. These are the general premises of self-defense.

Most States define how much force a citizen may use if attacked. There is non-deadly force, and there is deadly force. One can use all the force necessary to stop an attack and not more. In my own circumstances and depending on the attack, I would use enough force to stop, or at the very least, disrupt the attack, that I may extract myself away from the encounter. I am going to use very general terms here because this is about common sense, not legalese.

Most of the time, it is preferable to simply extract ones’ self from the encounter if the circumstances allow.

Notice that the aforementioned does not say anything about firearms. That was purposeful because firearms are a tool of last resort. Self-defense does not always involve firearms. Moreover, firearms are not always an exclusive solution to self-defense. Nevertheless, to fully and exclusively understand self-defense, it is important to untether self-defense laws from social firearms stigmas (as wrong as they are).


All states have their own firearms laws. Firearms laws in states vary widely and it is the exclusive purview of the possessor to be fully understanding of those laws. Some states are corrupt in the administration of firearms laws, building in purposeful ambiguities and vagaries to trip up otherwise lawful-acting citizens. Some Federal laws also do the same, depending on the cucks running the BATFE bureaucracy at a given moment.

“They” do not want you to have guns. The “They” I refer to are the leftist, anti-second amendment clods, FUDD’s, and cucks that trick people into voting for them. Left-wing anti-Second Amendment prosecutors, mayors, attorneys general, and governors do not want its citizens to have guns. With the Second Amendment as an obstacle, they make arbitrary and capricious laws setting up traps and roadblocks to citizens lawfully owning guns.

The Nutshell

Kyle Rittenhouse broke no laws. In following the trial, the idiot prosecutors charged him with unlawful possession of the firearm because these morons did not bother to ascertain if the AR platform firearm was either an AR pistol… Or a short-barreled rifle. If it were either, Rittenhouse would be in violation of Wisconsin law. Rittenhouse lawfully possessed a rifle; hence, Judge Shroeder dropped that charge.

We also learned that Kyle Rittenhouse took with him the AR platform rifle because Wisconsin law prohibited him (being 17) from possessing a handgun. Again, Kyle chose to follow the law.

We also learned that when Kyle came under attack, he made an attempt to retreat. I am not sure about the nuances of Stand Your Ground laws in Wisconsin, but the effort to retreat from the encounter is crystal clear.

We also learned that criminals with a demonstrated propensity toward violence attacked Rittenhouse. Joseph Rosenbaum was a criminal with a long history of violence and lawlessness. Anthony Huber and Gage Grosskreutz are also criminals with extensive criminal records. Maurice Freeland, also known as “jump Kick Man” is also a criminal. Criminals attacked Kyle Rittenhouse.

Everyday Morons

In the last couple of weeks, I have felt like a target for moronic opinions. If you are one of those people I have had discussions with about this, Yes, I think you are a moron, but quite possibly, I still like you.

“Kyle Rittenhouse should have never gone down to that auto dealership with is rifle. That was stupid…” Really? Why? If it is stupid then tell me why it is stupid? He broke no laws. What about the rioters? You didn’t say, “Those criminals should have never gone down to that auto dealership,” did you?

“Kyle Rittenhouse was asking for trouble going down there with a rifle.” He was just looking to shoot people.” Well, on June 2 in Manchester, New Hampshire there were literally hundreds of armed people standing out in front of businesses along Elm Street and South Willow Street. Nobody with guns got arrested and no protestors got shot. What is the difference? The difference is that we had proactive law enforcement who were visible, present, and in control. Kenosha DID NOT.

“Kyle just having that rifle invited trouble.” So you now advocate for gun control when the optics of the second amendment are not comfy? Who in their rational mind would attack a person with a rifle? When one has a rifle and two are fighting to wrest control of said rifle, that instantly becomes a contest of winners and losers. The loser almost always ends up shot.

“Kyle Rittenhouse is just another right-wing vigilante.” Let us define, “Vigilante,” sans political undertones.  According to Merriam Webster’s, Vigilante is defined as,

A member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law are viewed as inadequate)

According to the Cambridge Dictionary…

a person who tries in an unofficial way to prevent crime, or to catch and punish someone who has committed a crime, especially because they do not think that official organizations, such as the police, are controlling crime effectively.

According to Free Dictionary….

One of an organized group of citizens who take upon themselves the protection of their district, properties…

Coupled with the descriptor, “right-wing,” only means the speaker is in league with the socialist progressive community collapsing social miscreants that plague society today.

Where was the law enforcement infrastructure in Kenosha? Why did the city of Kenosha get destroyed? Why were these idiots not stopped? Why did the governor NOT call up the National Guard until after the city was under siege? It is ironic that so few people ask these critical questions. Instead, they point at Kyle Rittenhouse as the problem.

These riots and lawlessness were given the veneer of protest against racial injustice when ninety percent of the people present were white. And embedded within these so-called protestors were criminals and mental malcontents.

America watched many cities around the country experience riots, looting, unrest, and extreme property destruction. Whole communities were destroyed. Some businesses have found their Insurance companies will not cover their losses resulting from riots. When Black and minority-owned businesses are destroyed, it becomes clear that none of this is about social justice.

There will come a time in society when the community decides to fight back. A time when the leftist minders have decided to pull Law Enforcement and other law enforcement controls in a community back from violence and unrest. When faced with no other options, citizens will likely act. It will be dirty, messy, and imperfect. Some will characterize this as a call to violence. This is not a call to violence. This is a grim statement of human behavior and how it ultimately plays out.

Kyle Rittenhouse was one avatar in the overall law and order system we know today. The question before us was will the lawless left win? Or will the cornerstones of law and order prevail? Fortunately Justice prevailed. For today.
