Sun-King Sununu in Washington Examiner ... Freedom = Kochism - Granite Grok

Sun-King Sununu in Washington Examiner … Freedom = Kochism

Sun King Sununu

So I clicked on the link in this tweet from NH-NeverTrumpJournal:

For context, the CATO Institute … which was founded in 1977 by Charles Koch … has rated New Hampshire the top State for “economic freedom” and “overall freedom.” And yesterday’s Washington Examiner ran an op-ed written by Sun-King Sununu (and others) explaining how the Sun-King and his court did it.

To cut to the chase, Sun-King’s op-ed reveals that, to CATO and the Sun-King, freedom, and Kochism are synonymous.

As for “economic freedom,” Sun-King and his court brag about cutting business taxes and taxes for the rich (interest and dividends tax) … but ignore the State’s stratospheric local property taxes. Sun-King claims that local property taxes are no problem because New Hampshire “is highly decentralized from a fiscal standpoint, with nearly three competing local jurisdictions for every 100 miles, giving residents the option of voting with their feet without having to move to another state.”

In other words, the hoi polloi should just uproot and move if they don’t like paying so much in local property taxes. Perhaps in theory this works … but it is not anywhere that easy in the real world. More importantly, why not pass a statewide cap on how much the local property tax can increase every year so the hoi polloi don’t have to live like the Romani?

“Overall freedom” is simply a euphemism for policies supported by Koch … such as decriminalizing marijuana.  What does not matter to “overall freedom” is that workers in New Hampshire are NOT free from employer vaccine-mandates or from CRT indoctrination … or that Sun-King Sununu employed authoritarian/unconstitutional measures such as lockdowns, mask-mandates and capriciously classifying businesses as essential/nonessential in response to COVID.

War is Peace. And freedom is Kochism.
