Some Democrats are Waking Up to What Their Party Has Become – it’s Called ‘The Turn’

An interesting article came across my newsfeed on Twitter and it completely resonated with me, so I thought I’d share. It’s by a lifelong Democrat who eventually realized just how horrific his party has become.

We’ve seen organizations of people switching parties or leaving the Democrat Party, but this article was extremely articulate and really put it out there in a way I hadn’t seen before.

The reason this resonated with me isn’t that I’ve ever been a Democrat. I’ve never been a member of any political party and plan to keep it that way. I was previously a ‘regular non-political American’ who was ‘red-pilled’ back in 2008 thanks to the media’s infatuation with Obama. They were so hell-bent that he got elected they refused to tell the truth about his past; question him about his time in office; and let slide that he was a member of the most virulent anti-American, anti-Semitic and blatantly racist Church for years.

My ‘red-pilling’ was due to the media’s lack of credibility and obvious bias. My quest for the truth about everything I had previously believed – history, politics, politicians, journalists – has continued all these years and is till ongoing (especially now with hacks like Fauci ‘in charge’). The author, Liel Leibovitz, like many Democrats, have been waking up to the insanity of their own party. You really should read the full article, but I’ve added snippets below as well:

You may be among the increasing numbers of people going through The Turn right now. Having lived through the turmoil of the last half decade—through the years of MAGA and antifa and rampant identity politics and, most dramatically, the global turmoil caused by COVID-19—more and more of us feel absolutely and irreparably politically homeless. Instinctively, we looked to the Democratic Party, the only home we and our parents and their parents before them had ever known or seriously considered. But what we saw there—and in the newspapers we used to read, and in the schools whose admission letters once made us so proud—was terrifying. However, we tried to explain what was happening on “the left,” it was hard to convince ourselves that it was right, or that it was something we still truly believed in. That is what The Turn is about.

You might be living through The Turn if you ever found yourself feeling like free speech should stay free even if it offended some group or individual but now can’t admit it at dinner with friends because you are afraid of being thought a bigot. You are living through The Turn if you have questions about public health policies—including the effects of lockdowns and school closures on the poor and most vulnerable in our society—but can’t ask them out loud because you know you’ll be labeled an anti-vaxxer. You are living through The Turn if you think that burning down towns and looting stores isn’t the best way to promote social justice, but feel you can’t say so because you know you’ll be called a white supremacist. You are living through The Turn if you seethed watching a terrorist organization attack the world’s only Jewish state, but seethed silently because your colleagues were all on Twitter and Facebook sharing celebrity memes about ending Israeli apartheid while having little interest in American kids dying on the streets because of failed policies. If you’ve felt yourself unable to speak your mind, if you have a queasy feeling that your friends might disown you if you shared your most intimately held concerns, if you are feeling a bit breathless and a bit hopeless and entirely unsure what on earth is going on, I am sorry to inform you that The Turn is upon you.

Leibovitz goes on to describe the Democrat Party pretty accurately and then gives advice for those who have entered ‘The Turn:’

When “the left” becomes the party of wealthy elites and state security agencies who preach racial division, state censorship, contempt for ordinary citizens and for the U.S. Constitution, and telling people what to do and think at every turn, then that’s the side you are on, if you are “on the left”—those are the policies and beliefs you stand for and have to defend. It doesn’t matter what good people “on the left” believed and did 60 or 70 years ago. Those people are dead now, mostly. They don’t define “the left” anymore than Abraham Lincoln defines the modern-day Republican Party or Jimi Hendrix defines Nickelback.

So look at the list of things supported by the left and ask yourself: Is that me? If the answer is yes, great. You’ve found a home. If the answer is no, don’t let yourself be defined by an empty word. Get out. And once you’re out, don’t let anyone else define you, either. Not being a left-wing racist or police state fan doesn’t make you a white supremacist or a Trump worshipper, either. Only small children, machines, and religious fanatics think in binaries.

Like Leibovitz, I have no political party home, by choice. Frankly, too many Republicans can be outright disgusting and are for some of the very same things Democrats are for, which is AGAINST liberty. He finalizes his article with the following statement, and nothing rings truer than freedom [emphasis added]:

So welcome to the right side, friend, and join us in laughing at all the idiotic name-calling that is applied, with increasing hysteria, to try and stop more and more normal Americans from joining our ranks. Fascists? Conspiracy theorists? Anti-science racist TERFs? Whatever. We have a better word to describe ourselves: free.

And to be clear, I don’t believe the author means literally ‘the right,’ I think he is using the term to mean right as in “correct,” and I agree.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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