School District Finds Another Way to Lie to Parents


The Left has taken control of our schools. All over the nation, including in my town, School Boards are giving themselves the power to lie to Parents with respect to whether or not their child has gone “Trans” in school.

Now, with respect to CRT (Critical Race Theory), another District believes that if they “change the messaging” and “rebrand” their work, they think that they will have fooled the “rubes for Parents” into thinking they’ve stopped the indoctrination.

Yes, they believe you are that stupid. Reformatted, emphasis mine:

Montana School District Removes Term ‘Equity’ from Policy, but Officials Say ‘We Will Continue to Do Equity Work’

Parents of Montana’s Bozeman Public Schools (BPS) were successful in removing terms like “equity,” “privilege,” and “oppression” from the district’s “equity policy,” but BPS officials promised that “we have been, we are doing and we will continue to do equity work in Bozeman Public Schools.”  School officials appear to have begrudgingly passed the resolution, dubbed by some to be a “race-neutral ‘student success policy,’” as they believed the language was “watered down.” Despite that, officials are promising to charge forward with the equity movement, even without the language they desire.

Yep, they feel so entitled to lie to you – and then ignore you. But if you try to do the same, you’re ignorant, anti-Education, anti-Teacher and, egads!, Anti-Government!

The hubris is astounding!  The Parents, who are the real employers, just told their employees “don’t do that”. The employees just responded with “Up Yours! – we will do what we want. After all we know what is best for your children – not you.”

And doubled down on their “messaging” to Parents:

According to the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, interim Superintendent Casey Bertram said they removed the controversial language merely to “reduce polarization,” but that in reality the “equity work” will continue in BPS.

“So yes, we removed the term from the policy to reduce polarization,” he said. “But hear me clearly, we have been, we are doing and we will continue to do equity work in Bozeman Public Schools.”

The policy had been controversial because of public outcry over the aforementioned phrases being closely connected to critical race theory. As Breitbart News has reported, given the emergence of critical race theory as a major political issue, institutions that wish to implement it may surreptitiously refer to it by other means, or camouflage it behind phrases like “culturally responsive teaching” — which uses the same CRT acronym — “culturally competent,” “social emotional learning,” “anti-racist,” and “equity.”


A linguistic re-packaging will be SURE to paper over any “polarization” that has happened. After all, you can’t call it CRT when we’re calling it something else – and in this case, calling it something else to both spite your parents and do what we want.

It also shows the Moral Superiority they believe they have over parents. It’s like they own those Parents’ kids or somtin’ (/sarc).

Once again, we see Government adopting the outlook that they have Subjects instead of Citizens having a Government. This is a complete reversal of what the Founders architected and is, instead, what Progressives / Socialists desire – THEY are the ones to be in charge…


But they do want you to, in this case, to forget how they’re doing it.

And so does the Bozeman Daily Chronicle that concentrated on the School Board folks but nary a single parent in opposition was mentioned.


(H/T: Brietbart Politics)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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