LA and SanFran Prove COVID Protocols Won't Prevent COVID! - Granite Grok

LA and SanFran Prove COVID Protocols Won’t Prevent COVID!

Coronavirus COVID

If you’re a liberal and need a terrible idea, you look west. California is where you want to look, so you load up your ideological trucks and bring back ideas from Leftcoast crooks. From economics to energy to COVID.

To be fair, the COVID protocols were generated by Left-coast minded DC swamp rats. Useless gestures. Political theater. But places like Los Angeles and SanFrancisco go yard, oppression being as natural as making you breathe through a mask while they dine at high-end restaurants maskless.

Both cities have been in near-total panic pimping COVID protocols to no avail. In other words, despite the sales pitch, the crap still doesn’t work.

With vaccination rates at or near 80% and everyone forced to wear masks and so on, both cities are suffering a significant rise in daily “positive” cases.

“This steep increase, one of the steepest rises we’ve ever seen over the course of the pandemic, reflects the increased circulation of omicron and the associated rapid acceleration of transmission associated with this variant,” she said. [and]

Case rates have doubled in San Francisco over just the past five days, almost certainly due to omicron spreading in the community, said Dr. Grant Colfax, head of the Department of Public Health. He said the city has now identified 32 omicron cases, but he expects there are many more.

Mask, Jab, passport, distance, confine, control, and micro-manage and it is all for naught. Well, I suppose that depends on the goal. The true goal. It’s obviously not to prevent the spread of COVID.

Related: Welcome to the Pandemic of The Vaccinated

If you recall from yesterday’s “class,” Omicron has to sell as this deadly, heinous, life-ending (or at least potentially damaging) version. So the hype is essential to the domestic terror campaign. But people are getting the flu. They always have and will. Some will die and always do. It’s still sad. It is only recently that this has become a vehicle for political force.

Part of that is the enforcement of protocols which includes the most dangerous vaccine in decades.

On the one hand, you have to do these things or else, and on the other, they report how meaningless they are.

If people ever realize the contradiction, they might stop listening and go back to living their lives.

That’s our suggestion.

