12 Days of Boosters - Granite Grok

12 Days of Boosters

12 Days of Christmas Clipart Library

Hey, it’s still Christmas but given the yammering in our faces all the time of “wear a mask,” “get vaxxed,” get vaxxed AND wear a mask,” get your booster”….this, I think encapsulates all of our frustrations and the inanity that our “betters” are subjecting us to almost on an hourly basis.

Sure, I get the “conditions change” but they can’t keep their stories straight and more than a few of us are done with the hypocrisy with those telling us YOU’LL KILL US ALL even as we catch them in the “Fine for thee but not for me” stupidity.

And they really do believe we are stupid. So if they don’t like this…



…I don’t care.  They’re stupid if we’re gonna put up with this for too much longer. After all, we’re now being told that the Booster is only good for about 10 weeks…who the heck is gonna keep going back to the Doc’s simply to have to return in less than three months to get yet another sore arm for one’s trouble?

Inanity and insanity…

(H/T: Matt)
