Nashua Ward One Alderman Jan Schmidt has been defeated by our good friend Tyler Gouveia. Tyler defeated Schmidtler 1136 to 1087. A recount seems likely.
Jan Schmidt is infamous around these parts. She says stupid things then calls you names when you quote her. She even co-sponsored a bill that would allow state legislators (like her) and their family members (like hers) to file lawsuits against anyone who wrote or said something about them that made them feel threatened.
A gross violation of free speech rights and an elitist power grab even Dems on her legislative committee realized was a bad idea and tanked it. Schmidt has been equally destructive on the Nashua City Board of Alderman.
Schmidt won’t go quietly, nor will she stop being a feature at Alderman meetings, if I had to guess. I’m not sure she has anywhere else to be.
Congratulations Tyler. And good luck.
Note: Nashua also adopted sportsbook betting (questions 1) and rejected a retooling of the Police Commission.
Complete results below. These Results were uncertified at the time of publication.
20211102 - Returns for Canvass of Votes-Unofficial_202111022216251140
Now, if we could just get her out of the State House.
HT | Julie on MeWe