OSHA Suspends Vaccine Mandate – For Now….

From the underreported file, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued an update related to its rule (29 CFR 1910, Subpart U) requiring some businesses to mandate COVID19 vaccination for all employees.

On November 12, 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted a motion to stay OSHA’s COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard, published on November 5, 2021 (86 Fed. Reg. 61402) (“ETS”). The court ordered that OSHA “take no steps to implement or enforce” the ETS “until further court order.” While OSHA remains confident in its authority to protect workers in emergencies, OSHA has suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement of the ETS pending future developments in the litigation.


Loosley translated: until the courts rule, we can’t do much.

What does that mean? Not a lot.

Employers at or above 100 employees may still do a bit of trimming just in case to get their numbers below. Job creators thinking about adding jobs that would have put them over 100 employees will continue to hold off or rethink their plans. And businesses with for more than that will either continue with mandates they already intended (see also wanted) or create a plan and put it on hold.

The latter depends on the size and #wokeness of your employer.

The Health Industry is massive but openly shedding thousands if not millions of positions nationally under ( I presume) the assumption that there’s no real competition. In states like New Hampshire, the Legislature has protected that monopoly, but in its absence, with so many doctors and nurses out of work, the term ‘Free Clininc’ could take on a new meaning.

Care centers free from COVID mandates.

Left to their own devices, medical professionals can and will create these options for Americans.

Who among us believes anyone, at this point, will be left to their own devices? Never again, except in states that stand up for their citizens and job creators. Wouldn’t it be nice if we felt confident that we lived in one of those?

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