Normalizing P3dophilia – We’re Supposed to Call Them “Minor-Attracted Persons” (MAP) …

Adults who like having sex with children are so vile even career criminals are offended by them. But there are adults “on the spectrum” who like or want to have sex with minors.

They seek out occupations that give them access to children. It’s an addiction, a compulsion, and that’s always been a problem. The other problem (not there are not more than two) is that there’s a movement that has, for many years, been trying to normalize this. The P3dophilia.

The goal is to make it acceptable. Commonplace. Like men in women’s bathrooms which, surprise, we’re not allowed to question. But there are also large numbers of people “on the spectrum” who find both wrong and in the case of p3dophiles, disgusting and reprehensible. Criminal.

And it is a “debate” new legs after, “Virginia University … placed an assistant professor on administrative leave after the educator sparked heated backlash for saying it isn’t necessarily immoral for adults to be sexually attracted to children.”

The ass prof is the author of a book titled, “A Long Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity.”

They/Them participated in an interview with “a San Francisco-based child protection organization” called the Protasia Foundation.

The two are a match made in hell.

The extent of Protasia’s child protection operation can be summed up thusly. They (allegedly) exist to normalize and protect the idea that it’s okay for adults to have sex with children. Any adult, any child. If you’d like an amusing deeper dive, here’s a YouTuber who dug into Protasia and, well-tried to have some fun while exposing the ugly business.

Long story short, the term p3dophile comes with a lot of baggage and child rapists are still people or something. Someone needs to help. And sure, therapy would be great but that’s not what this is. It is a concerted well-funded effort to make schtupping minors as every day as well, every day.

To do away with the sex offender registry and make these relationships normal. You know, just another phase in the epic lie that “you can’t help who you fall in love with …”

Yes, you can.

And as for making sex with minors normal, no.

Just, no.



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