Chris Sununu’s “Mother May I” Letter to the Vax Mandating US Dept. of Labor

Gover Sununu wrote a letter to Assistant Sec. of Labor for OSHA (Dated Nov. 24). But instead of taking the opportunity to tell the Feds that NH would defend employers or workers, no matter the outcome of the lawsuit, he did something else.

He asked them what they should do about contradictory mandate messages between OSHA the White House so NH employers will have time to prepare. FOr what? The mandate, he simultaneously claims is unconstitutional, silly bear.

Hie Excellency even requests a two-month extension if the stay is lifted so NH employers can figure out how to comply. To give them time to figure out how to properly bend the knee because, despite his rhetoric, he won’t stand in their way.

That is not what NH employers or employees need.

They need a governor with a set of stones. One who is prepared to tell the Feds that regardless of the State’s lawsuit, it will defend workers and employers from arbitrary acts of force directed at them by the General government because – as he notes in the same letter – this mandate is unconcsititonal.

Related: Breaking: Federal Judge Stops Medicare and Medicaid Services Vaxx Mandate for Health Care Workers …

Or, is it?

As you are aware, New Hampshire has joined in litigation challenging the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate. Although I appreciate OSHA’s initial compliance with the Fifth Circuit’s decision requiring OSHA to suspend implementation and enforcement activities, the messaging from the Administration implies that if the Stay is lifted, prior to January 4, 2022 OSHA will seek to implement and enforce the ETS on its original timeline.

This is problematic for many reasons. First and foremost, the timeline included in the ETS was designed to allow for OSHA and businesses to plan for implementation, and to allow employees time to get vaccinated if they so choose. Absent sufficient time, there is a real potential that employers would not be able to come into compliance should the Court rescind the Stay, including the draconian requirement that businesses lay off employees during the holidays if they are unwilling or unable to get fully vaccinated on the ETS timeline.


We’re suing you, and we think this is unconstitutional, but if we have to bend over we’d like to know when and how far? This is embarrassing to Granite Staters, Republicans, and Republicanism.

You believe it to be unconstitutional but not enough to stand athwart said mandate yelling stop. What then, did we elect you for if you can state a thing and then renounce that thing in the sesame breath?

Your job is to protect us from Federal overreach, not barter the terms of our surrender.


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