The Monthly Alexa Rank Update – Why Yes, We Are Still #1 …

It’s that time of the month again. Yes, a reminder to all that a handful of liberty-minded nobody’s can fill their free time with stuff that gets more eyeballs than any other digital print media site in the state—our Monthly Alexa Rank Update.

Once again, independent new media rules in the Granite State and shows no sign of letting go. This is good for everyone, especially the dinosaur media. They need to stop being cookie cutters of each other scrabbling for declining market share. Innovate a little, by which I mean, try having an opinion or an angle no one else has.

Are they even capable?

They complain about money and resources while a few work-a-day schlubs blow their doors off. Not because we’re better writers (though I’ve seen some of what passes for professional journalism, and it leaves me wondering) but because we dare to dig into stories, reports, and research outside the box.

Yes, we have the benefit of being an opinion site. We get to do and say things they would never dare. I guess the question is, what do you exist to do?

We exist to dump our thoughts about news, culture, and politics in what happens to be a relatively empty lane. NH Journal is on the new media right but appears trapped in the old model on a new platform. Liberty Block, which embraces our way of doing things, sits happily at the number two spot, right behind us.

The Union Leader, the state’s largest daily newspaper, is now third on our list by default when it used to be number one. No, they are not coming back, and everyone knows it but them if they even care.

And while we may not always be the number one digital print media portal in the state all the time, whoever it is won’t be the old-school media.

With that in mind, here’s the latest proof.

As always, sorted by US rank. Where the US is missing (not enough data for Alexa to crunch), sites are sorted by global rank.

Site Name (Sorted by US Rank) US Rank Global Rank
GraniteGrok 12,001 63,824
Liberty Block 15,568 101,770
Union leader 28,512 113,166
Lawrence Eagle-Tribune 49,863 212697
Concord Monitor 51,431 188,724
SeacoastOnline 57,393 185,384
NHPR 93,787 259,939
Conway/Berlin Daily Sun 96,655 486138
The Valley News 104,411 403,114
Manchester Ink Link 107,939 385126
Fosters Daily Democrat 108,759 308,157
Lowell Sun 111,046 241,509
Keene Sentinel 159,846 304,313
Nashua Telegraph 162,807 757,540
NHBR 162,823 540798
NH Journal 194,764 679749
Girard at Large no data 731324
Monadnock Ledger-Transcript no data 760534
In-depth NH no data 816,268
Seacoast Current no data 913,942
Free Keene no data 920,297
The Derry News no data 1,369,642
J Bartlett no data 1,409,368
Business NH no data 1,515,917
GraniteCrock no data 2,895,222

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