It Is Time for a Much-Needed Reality Check, School Boards

Steve Earle

Seems that the school board down in Loudoun Virginia has finally awakened American parents to how irresponsive and arrogant these petty tyrants have become and the pushback has started.

State School Board Associations in Missouri and Ohio have notified the National School Boards Assn. that they are leaving the National organization. Seems National never consulted or even notified State boards regarding the now infamous,  “declarer parents domestic terrorists” letter sent to president Biden.

Reports are many other State Boards are not happy about it also but so far no others have followed Missouri and Ohio and dropped out of National. States do not want the Federal Government usurping the State’s rights and authority to make the decisions that are their right to make on behalf of their citizens.

(Sounds very much like the recent issue here in New Hampshire over strings attached to federal funds which were rejected over our Governors wishes.)

Speculation is, by some sources, that the notorious letter was actually prompted by a White House source? We may never be able to confirm that but given the way they conduct business in DC that is not anything I would bet against. One thing is for sure parents all around this country are taking a much harder look at the actions and behaviors of their local boards.

Ask, is your local Board looking to provide the best education via math, reading, science, history or is the emphasis on politically correct indoctrination. Is your Board pushing to install Critical Race Theory or it’s like into your schools?

CRT is not even pretended to be anything other than anti-white racism. Payback for our history of slavery which no living American experienced from either side and to our credit we as a nation overcame and evolve beyond but now the left seems bent on devolving. Anything to create chaos and division.

Another brilliant concept from the left is the Trans idea. Follow the science those on the left say when it suits their purpose but with zero medical science to support the Trans theory it’s just politically correct and to hell with science.

How is your school board addressing this issue? Anything like they have in Loudoun Virginia?

It is time for a much-needed reality check by these Boards. These elected board members have not been elected to be the petty tyrants many think they have and those who think that way need to be replaced. We have our children to consider and can not just “trust” officials and teachers to do what is best for them.


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