“The Nancy Lanza Test for Gun Control Proposals”


This was forwarded to me by a loyal reader and it really does show one thing: that the anti-gunners on the Left don’t think their activities through to see if their anti-Constitutional Laws actually work and achieve the results they purport to do.

And Nancy Lanza is the perfect lens by which to measure them.

If you have forgotten, Nancy Lanza was the mom of Adam Lanza who was the psychopath murderer that killed all those little children (and adults) at the Sandybrook Elementary School in Newton CA. She was the first one killed. Adam murdered her in order to get access to her firearms. So with that in mind:

Nancy Lanza is the benchmark that those who propose new gun control laws must justify their proposals against. Not only would she have passed any background check – universal or otherwise – she would also have met the incrementally higher bars that the Gun Grab Lobby wants to subject ordinary citizens to.

Just look at any of the (unconstitutional) proposals being pushed around these days.

  • Insurance mandates such as the ones demanded by the San Jose mayor? Nancy Lanza was financially comfortable enough to afford the insurance and would have bought it.
  • Special taxes on guns and/or ammo? Same as the insurance policy; financially comfortable citizen Nancy Lanza would have been able to afford the special taxes.
  • Training demands such as the ones proposed by New York Democrats? Nancy Lanza was a firearms enthusiast who made regular trips to the gun range. She would have passed every marksmanship test that the Gun Grab Lobby demands we take.
  • Registration laws? Model Citizen Nancy Lanza would have complied with those too, and registration wouldn’t have made any difference anyway.
  • Raising the minimum age to buy guns? Nancy Lanza would have been old enough to buy a gun even with the minimum age raised to 21.
  • Red flag laws? Nancy Lanza never posed a threat to anyone and would not have been subject to red flag confiscation. There were no indications that the actual perpetrator who stole her guns and committed the crime posed a threat to anyone either.

Not one of the above unconstitutional gun control proposals would have stopped Sandy Hook because all those proposals, if enacted into law, would have applied to Nancy Lanza, not the perpetrator who murdered his own mother because she was in the way of his perverse plan.

(H/T: Matt)

And, the obligatory “criminals don’t follow the Law” mention.

Make it more expensive, make it more difficult, make education mandatory? Each one, as the list points out, Mom Lanza would have passed. However, the results were the same because a mentally imbalanced sociopath didn’t care about the Law. NONE of those items didn’t make a difference. I’m not saying that Law doesn’t make a difference – it does with the right people in the right situations – stopping law-abiding people easy access to those things that support their exercise of their Second Amendment Rights.  But the Left doesn’t care about the Constitution that blocks their agenda which is total civilian disarmament.

Like what the Taliban is now doing to the Afghan population.  Connection intended as a harbinger of what might happen in the future.

And that’s the intended result. Not a cessation of killings, suicides, or injuries.  If the Left TRULY meant what they meant, they’d:

  • Take care of the mental problems of the 2/3rds of gun killings – those that commit suicides. Not completely, mind you, but a lot more effective than hassling law-abiding Normal people that simply use a gun for sport or protection – and, by definition, would use it illegally.
  • Fix the Justice system in those areas where gun crime (not violence, CRIME) is all over. Stop the revolving door that politicians and judges have spinning when the gangbusters wound or kill people with illegally obtained firearms, bring them into the station, and the judges turn them back out onto the street.

Those are two important things. The MORE important thing is for the Left to look at what their philosophy, their Policies, their Laws, and Regulations have done to the CULTURE.  There is no doubt that, to take just one example, we’ve moved from when high school kids had hunting rifles in the back windows of their pickup trucks to having heavily armed police at the doors of the high school with magnetometers at the door.

It’s the Culture, stupid – but it has been done with intent over the last few decades. And as I’ve written before, the Left has shown that it is not willing to look at the adverse results of its actions. The only conclusion that I, and others, can come up with is that they want things to get even worse. The rest of that is normally “and then they’ll swoop in saying they have a solution to it all”. Like the rest of us are really that stupid to believe that 1) they do, and 2) they didn’t create this environment in the first place.

Life, to the Left, is all but meaningless. They are for death before birth and death before a natural end (aka, “Assisted murder”). And with this issue above, they don’t care much about death in the middle, either. Why else do they let this Culture flourish?

THEY control Education. THEY control the News, THEY control the Books. THEY control the TV shows. THEY control the Movies. They have marched through our Institutions, per Italian Socialist Antonio Gramsci pontificated, and captured the Ramparts of our Culture. They denigrate what used to be American values of hard word, keeping promises, punishing God’s name and religious observances, that emotions count more than rationality, that everything around us is malleable and changeable on a whim, that the only God they need to worry about is themselves redefining themselves as gods. I could go one for a long time but it comes down to this:

Why else has the value of Life come to mean so little?

This is the root question – unfortunately, just saying that the Left has good answer is not a root solution.

It’s just a clump of tissue, they’re at the end of their lives anyway, *I* am what is important in life, it is MY “lived experience” that counts. that there is no such thing as objective Truth (er, go ahead and stick your hand into a roaring fire and really test it).


And life just ends in death anyway.

No, nothing they have come up with for “common sense” infringements has worked or will work. Even registration, with the commiserate confiscation afterward, would work. Just look at Britain and the problems they have had with knives and clubs.  And don’t start with the line that it at least slows it down – that’s NOT an answer, it’s merely a deflection away from the root problem that the Left has created.

UNTIL the Left comes up with a solution other than what I have discussed, they’re lying to us all about the efficacy of their “goals”.

Up Your’s is a proper response. So is “I will not comply”.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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