Some Elected Officials Should Forward Legislation – Since They Are All Doctors Now.


Many elites willingly believe in government as a quasi-religion, as long as government serves their purpose – socialism. As an example, let’s take forced or coerced injections of unproven material into US citizens that may or may not work – but is in response to a crisis.

I’m talking about the crisis of crime here in America. We have daily reports of casual murder, rape, riot, and almost everything except cannibalism – for now.

If injecting various fake vaccinations into unwilling people is the current fad how about pumping some sodium pentothal into criminal suspects?

How is that different.

It’s a SAFETY issue, people.

Where did all our civil libertarians scurry off to since this Chinese bioweapon incident?

If you are arrested for a crime, any crime, you must take THE SHOT or be denied work, travel, government subsidies of any kind, a loan, etc.

Don’t TAKE THE SHOT and you are then presumed to be probably guilty – kinda like infected with the Chinese bioweapon if you did not take the fake vaccine. Police can lock you up, in at least Washington DC, for a year or so.

Like this new America?

Some elected officials should forward legislation – since they are all doctors now.


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