Biden Said “…We Will Not Forget” – (Does he Even Remember he said it?)

by Skip

Too many things in the air lately, and I forgot that Biden was addressing the nation yesterday at 5 pm concerning Afghanistan and how it really isn’t a fustercluck but a rousing success. Ok, I’m stretching that part a bit.

I really didn’t watch much of it because, in my surfing, I’ve noticed how is sycophants in both his Administration and in the MSM have been praising how WELL the evacuation is going without mentioning that the Taliban took back the country right under their noses. And we all have seen how “well” the evacuations have been going.

Baghdad Bobs, all.

I happened to go downstairs from my office to let one of the dogs in (it’s over our door, and the dogs have a wire run from it – I hear their barking all too well to come back in), and TMEW had the TV tuned to Biden and exclaimed: “DID YOU SEE BIDEN LOSE IT???”.

She quickly backed up the TV to where Peter Doucy of Fox was asking questions of Biden. Doucy is really good, and even Biden acknowledged it. But how the unscripted (for Biden) question was so well put, there was nothing Biden could do, and she really did believe Biden just “collapsed” onto the mic.

I can’t say that she was wrong (see above image) as Doucy kept asking his question. Pitiful – I’ve never seen a President do that (how about you, Republicans for Biden, Steve Duprey, Tom Rath, and Gordon Humphrey?).

Pitiful, anguishing, and a show that, as some have said, that Dr. Jill should have never let him run. From a humanitarian standpoint, they’re just using this poor guy as a prop – how sad and selfish is that to put an old man who is obviously well WELL past any prime he ever had into that position. Elder abuse of a different sort, folks?

But he also has done it to himself, and one of the things I DID catch on the replay was this:

To those who carried out this attack … know this: We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.

I know it is a line many folks use, but for BIDEN to use “We will not forget”??? If he can actually read it off the teleprompter, he forgets such a line two later.

Given what we’ve seen eight months in, does ANYONE believe that Biden remembers much at all? He’s in his own fantasy world right now – the man isn’t well, and every time we see him on TV, it gets clearer and clearer to us as he’s getting foggier and foggier.

(H/T: The Blaze)

(Image H/T: Powerline)

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