American Express – Don’t Leave Home Without Your Race Card

Steve MacDonald

Another corporate behemoth wading in the spoils of capitalism has embraced anti-capitalist race theory. American Express, the “don’t leave home without it” people are waist-deep in the new age culture of anti-free-market white hate.


American Express, which made a $2.3 billion profit last quarter, invited the great-grandson of the Nation of Islam’s founder to tell its employees that capitalism is evil.

According to a trove of documents I’ve reviewed, AmEx executives created an internal “Anti-Racism Initiative” after George Floyd’s death last year, subjecting employees to a training program based on the core CRT tenets, including intersectionality, which reduces individuals to a tangle of racial, gender and sexual identities that determine whether he is an “oppressor” or “oppressed” in a given situation.


So, don’t leave home without your race card because that’s all that matters. Sorry, that’s not all that matters.

“Khalil Muhammad — great-grandson of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad” also lectured execs on racial injustice and how American Express needs to embrace its complicity. But this is not about equality. He told them to set different standards for people of color. That they “should reduce standards for black customers and sacrifice profits in the interest of race-based reparations.”

Related: So, Racism (Unlike Gender) Is Defined at Birth?

And then lobby congress “for the kinds of social policies that reflect your values.” (He means ‘My values.’)

Use your money to give some people something for nothing and use your resources to encourage the government to do more of the same.

Okay, I have a question. Should they direct more of that likely lobbying billions at members of the government who are black or white?

If whites are racist from birth and the American form of Government is racist by design, it would make sense to direct your values toward people in government who are white. But the lobbying process is systemically racist, and if you don’t lobby black people, that’s racist too.

I am reminded of the end of the movie War Games when the computer WOPR (Joshua) – a warfighting artificial intelligence – rapidly runs through every nuclear scenario it can convenience, only to discover that there is no way to win.

The only way to win is not to play.

It may be too late for American Express, but it’s not too late for America.


Correction: The Original published version used the name Jason instead of Joshua.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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