“I Will Not Work for Those Who Dehumanize White People and Pathologize Them for Being White.”

by Op-Ed

This is the full text of the online form “Exit Interview” that the Manchester School District (MSD) asks exiting employees to complete. Questions are bolded and a screenshot of the actual exit survey is included at the end.


Level: Elementary

Total years with MSD: 7 years

Total years in current position: 7 years

We want to thank Dan Concannon for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

Please tell us about your decision to leave the district:

X (Other)
I left Manchester School District because I will not work for those who dehumanize White people and pathologize them for being White.

Would you ever consider returning to this district?

X (Yes)
Yes. Once decent human beings that do not make hatred of White people a condition of employment take charge of MSD, I would consider returning to the district. So – in reality – no, because that will not happen.

Would you recommend Manchester School District to others?

Yes. Once decent human beings that do not make hatred of White people a condition of employment take charge of MSD, I would recommend MSD to others. So – in reality – no, because that will not happen.

What was the best part of your job?

The best part of my job was the kids. They don’t come with nearly the amount of baggage, bullshit, or social and emotional complexes that the average school district administrator comes with. Children have a much firmer attachment to reality than the average school district administrator has. Children have stronger principles and convictions than do the discount politicians that we call school district administrators, who speak exclusively in corporate-developed soundbites of abstraction and non-committal, while they process and rubber-stamp all of the material developed by institutional powers that aim to degrade humanity and use the education system to turn out perfect unthinking consumers for whatever poison they sell. The best part of my job was seeing humanity experience joy before that joy is completely robbed from them by school district administrators by the time they exit the system, ripe to perform two tasks in life:

  1. Consume product
    Feign victimhood to gain favor from a system designed to reward whomever is best at feigning victimhood

What was the worst part of your job?

Do you mean the worst part other than having to look at my bugman boss walk north and south while his toes point due east and due west? Other than The Human Wedgie’s stride, and the insufferable sound of his voice, and having to wonder how they were able to mold a man out of soy and give him life by injecting pure estrogen into his veins, the worst part of my job was simply being required to hate myself for being White – something I am constitutionally incapable of doing. The fact of the matter is that I loved my job. I loved the students that I worked with and I loved the staff at my school and in my program. But I will endure absolutely no dehumanization against myself for being White. The worst part of my job is that the pencil-pushing blowhards and assorted cultural revolutionaries at the district office decided to advocate for anti-White hatred, stood by that anti-White hatred when challenged, and left me with no choice but to take it upon myself to deal with the issue outside of their Human Resources sandbox.

Were you comfortable talking to your school administration?

X (Yes)
The administrators at my actual school are phenomenal human beings.

Do you have any suggestions for improving the school district?

I would max out the field limit of this response box before I’d be through 1/100th of my suggestions for improving Manchester School District. But for starters:

  • Stop sanctioning anti-White hate.
  • Get rid of everyone that sanctions anti-White hate. Start by taking the overabundance of air out of Superintendent Goldhardt and send him back to where he came from. Then route out the mealy-mouthed liars and cowards sitting on the Board of School Committee and continue from there.
  • Withdraw from the cultural revolution. Cease with your unrelenting, performative displays of stupidity around “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” and whatever other fashionable words and phrases that you obsess over in order to display the zealous faith with which Manchester School District worships in the Church of Perpetual Revolution.
  • Admit that the word “Equity” is the biggest crock of unadulterated dog shit in the current lexicon of societal devolution.
  • Strategically list “Chief Equity Officer” as an available position in the district on an ongoing basis for the purpose of blacklisting every single human being that applies for it, because no sane school district would hire someone foolish enough to believe that the best way forward for children is to put the slowest runner at the front of the race and then tell everyone else that they’re not allowed to pass.
  • Educate students. And that’s it. You are a school district. Focus on schooling. The knowledge and skills that students can complete their academic careers through MSD and not have is shocking. You should obsess over nothing but education. But while you churn out ill-prepared students without concern, you’re busy congratulating yourselves over the unveiling of new, made up, asinine administrative positions like “Chief Equity Officer.” Hey, Chief, teach me something. No, I mean something other than “WHITE PEOPLE BAD.” Oh. You can’t. Because you’re a complete fraud, qualified only for a fraudulent position. But hey, at least it’s all wrapped up in the prettiest rhetoric and sound bites. Keep spraying perfume on your horseshit.
  • Realize that nearly everyone that works for MSD hates the administrative office bureaucracy. Seriously. No one likes you. You have many, many good people that work for you. Figure out how to be less horrible, and perhaps you’ll be less hated by so many good people.

Could anything more have been done to support you in your position?

Yes. You could have not sponsored the hatred of White people. Other than that, as a competent, effective professional, I ran a model program in which I surrounded myself with competent, effective people. Fortunately for us, competence negated the need for much support from the district, though, when it was needed, I knew who the competent actors at the district were and went directly to them in order to bypass the standard ring-around-the-rosey delays that are built into everything that you do there. We built a stand-out program that would stand up to and likely outshine most others throughout the state.

But, while we’re still here discussing what more could have been done to support me… you could have put a gag order on our director to stop him from calling me, or coming to my building, and droning on incessantly in his pajama-boy voice. Through clinical observation and testing, I was able to determine that the sound of his voice literally lowered my testosterone level. Fortunately, they are back through the roof since parting ways with Manchester School District.

Do you have any other issues or comments you’d like to address?

I would like Manchester School District to address its issues. It won’t. It is a quasi-political organization that will consume itself before it could ever possibly reform itself. MSD marches in lockstep with the decline of Western Civilization. Enjoy every last bit of the equity as you continue your descent – the kids deserve better, but you don’t.

Dan Concannon MSD Exit Interview PNG


  • Op-Ed

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