HCRC 3rd Annual Machine Gun Shoot – MicroInterview with General Don Bolduc (Special Forces, ret.)


This past Saturday, GraniteGrok was one of only two Media entities allowed onto the grounds of the Londonderry Fish and Game Club in Litchfield, NH. The reason was that the Hillsborough (NH) County Republican Committee was having its 3rd Annual Machine Gun Shoot.

Very well attended – as you will hear in my MicroInterview with Chris Ager (Hillsborough County Republican Chair and NH GOP RNC Committeeman), the first year there were 60 paid attendees, then 100 last year, and this year, over 200 – and with over 30 differing types of submachine guns (pistols and carbine size right up to a .50 caliber) present and another range where folks could just blow up some Tannerite targets.

Yes, loud noises all day but as many of the folks I talked with “the Sound of Freedom” was a better descriptor. No, I didn’t do any shooting other than with a camera as it was a “working the event” time. So, a bunch of pictures (once we get our Media Library back online) and some other interviews coming soon.

Sidenote: We are now starting to use Gab.TV as our primary video repository as we are leaving Youtube (knowing that we are at risk of being Canceled simply because we are Conservative AND we show guns in action in a couple of the videos). Come visit our Gab.TV Channel!

I had the chance to sit down with Gen. Don Bolduc (ret., Special Forces) near the end of the event along with his service dog Victor. He ran for US Senate last election and has made it known he will be running again in 2020 to rid us of Maggie “The Red” Hassan who currently holds that seat.  She has also been labeled by most as being “vulnerable” (and not just the typical Democrat nuance of the word meaning “victim” – which she is already playing up in her email blasts).




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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