More Unpacking My Load of Stuff – Pointing Out How Progressives Act Online: Sonia Prince of Nashua

by Skip

Pointing out how progressives act online – on Facebook, that is. Which I can’t go back and retrieve anymore because, well, the censors hate me, hate GraniteGrok (we’re close to being banned), and I refuse to give them any more content of mine (or my data).

But I did save off, a while ago, how mean and nasty one Sonia Prince (a transplant from Canada, I believe) can be. And now I just wish to get it off my stack.

This is from what used to be the Nashua Politics page. I’ve been gone so long I don’t even know if it exists but this sure was a GREAT example of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and illustrating how many Progressives really do feel about those that simply disagree with them. And yes, I’ve “anonymized ” everyone else and unfortunately, don’t have all the memes that went with this part of that post. And a few “rough words” bits as well (remember, Adult themes but kid-friendly!)


Sonia Prince:  Want to keep our community safe? Identify the people who support hateful racist dictators like Trump, who incite violence and mass shootings! Stands up to hate! Be the hero, when no one else will; and weed out the bad seeds in the community. Dont tolerate these toxic fools who want to control & destroy peaceful communities. Kids are more important; These MAGA fools are not role models for our children. Expose them and their hateful values to the community, identify who’s hiding white hoods or red Trump hats in their closets. Good will win over evil. #nhpolitics

Skip Murphy @Sonia – thanks for what many of us on the Right have already figured out – anyone who doesn’t agree with those on the Left is a racist, homophobobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, Deplorable, Irredeemable, redneck, fascist, uneducated, knuckledragging Neanderthal bigot. There folks, did I miss any other “polite modifiers” that are commonly hurled at us under the rubric of the Left’s outward appearing of “Diversity and Inclusion”?

So now that I’ve tried to get all those words out of the way, plus your Nazi epithet, I hope you’re feeling just splendid about yourself, Sonia Prince, for isn’t that the end point of being a Progressive? Just raw emotions? And an overhealthy sense of self-esteem and self-righteous appointment of being the Morality Police?

Please, just keep talking, and talking, and talking….

Sonia Prince: if you don’t stand up to hate, racism, child molesters, rapists, kids in cages, and pussy grabbers ….then yes, I don’t like you and think you should stay away from communities who want peace. Thanks for taking your white hood off….I can better protect my family and community this way

Skip Murphy: This is just GREAT! My “white hood” off??? This is just an enjoyable display of logic from the Left – always running to the edge of Rhetorical Cliff – and then launching off it. And, from what you said below, NOT adopting “brown” children is racist – what a topper of a remark!

Person 1: How do explain the Trump support in the black community?

Skip Murphy: And that he has a higher rate of Hispanic support as well!

Person 2: Person 1, she can’t because she is unable to live in reality and understand the truth. More African Americans are at work now than ever before. Lowest unemployment rate in history and the lowest amount of AA”s on food stamps.

Person 2: Sonia, You’re a disgrace to your city and your family. It’s mentally unstable people like you that make the hate in this world keep going just because you have certain beliefs that are different from others. Not everyone shares your warped views. I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again, you can respectfully disagree with someone else’s views without causing trouble. What do think is going to happen Sonia if you and your cronies show up at my doorstep? Nothing good will come of it for you and your friends. Smh. You need help and a mental health review. Person 4, this lunatic needs to be booted from this group. This is not what this page is for or about.

Sonia Prince: Person 2 and you are the reason why we need gun safety regulations. You are correct, I don’t agree with people who support racist dictators who incite violence, cage and kill children, throw paper towels at hurricane victims or protect murderers like Saudi Prince, Kremlin, Putin and Kim Jong un. Thanks for removing your white hood.

Person 2: Sonia Prince,you are the only racist here.

Person 1: Kill children?! Where are you getting that from?

Person 2: Person 1, do yourself a favor and don’t engage with her. She is mentally unstable.

Person 3: She is piggy backing on the comment made by Nicole Wallace yesterday on one of the NBC’s…”Trump wants to exterminate Mexicans”. They have completely lost it

Skip Murphy: Person 2: Au contraire! Let her keep talking and invite her to do MORE of it? Just a SUPERB example of the Progressive mindset of platitudes and talking points. More people should see this!

Person 3: There has been no doubt in my mind for a long time…there is no bigger racist than you.

Sonia Prince: Person 3 I’m sure that while you were typing this, you were busy adopting brown children or saving kids in cages at the border right?? Lol whatever makes you feel better so you can sleep better at night buddy. Loke Melania Trump days: Be best!

Person 1: Sonia Prince actually I did spend some time recently inquiring into adopting a child. His being black was not really a concern, I just have s big heart for foster youth about to age out of the system. My husband has cancer so we need to get through that first. Then we can possibly think about other stuff. But you keep telling yourself how terrible us Republicans are.

Skip Murphy: We’re all EVIL in her eyes – no exceptions at all.

Sonia Prince:  if you don’t stand up to hate, racism, child molesters, rapists, kids in cages, and pussy grabbers ….then yes, I don’t like you and think you should stay away from communities who want peace. Thanks for taking your white hood off….I can better protect my family and community this way

Skip Murphy: So guilt for HALF the US population simply by dint of voting for someone that wasn’t Hillary that was going to continue the Obama race for socialistic serfdom for all of us. Keep showing us that “VAUNTED” sense of Tolerance I keep hearing about – that’s the ticket!

Just keep on talking, and talking, and talking.

BTW, you DO know that the “cages” were built during the Obama Administration, right? Shall we start talking about Clinton’s Blue dress and cigar incidents? And his trips on Epstein’s Lolita Express (as long as you’re talking about grabbers). Or JFK’s “exploits” in the White House? As far as the hate and racism is concerned, Progressives, Socialists, and Democrats have been calling us that for decades – Pffft! And your picture at the top HARDLY one that would bring “peace” – it is incitement and a call to violence.

Sonia Prince: Person 3 I’m sure that while you were typing this, you were busy adopting brown children or saving kids in cages at the border right?? Lol whatever makes you feel better so you can sleep better at night buddy. Loke Melania Trump days: Be best!

Person 3: You wrote this twice…more proof you have completely lost your mind. Sorry, I didn’t know that not adopting children makes me a racist. You’re certainly in a league of your own, frightens me that there might be more of you out there.

Sonia Prince: Person 3 I wrote it twice so it would appear in the general thread. Try and keep up.

Kimberly Morin: Who is the fascist? Holy s***

Sonia Prince: Kimberly Morin ah the NH NRA queen…aka the girl who drops her pink gun on the state house floor at a gun regulation hearing…coming to the rescue of the MAGA role models…sigh

Skip Murphy: Kimberly Morin She doesn’t get that it is the Fascists that wish to divide and shut everyone up. Yet, I “is one” as I just want her to keep on talking, and talking, and talking…..just let her continue to make a fool of herself and others that are aligned with her.

Kimberly Morin: Sonia Prince *YAWN* you really need serious mental health help. Is that why they kicked you out of Canada?

Sonia Prince: Kimberly Morin ah, if it isn’t the NH NRA queen…aka the girl who drops her pink gun on the state house floor at a gun regulation hearing…coming to the rescue of the MAGA role models…sigh

Skip Murphy: So Sonia Prince, please explain to me, for I am but a simple man, how does the phrase ” if it isn’t the NH NRA queen” bring peace to this community? Sounds like a harsh, vindictive one, right? You’re “Othering” someone – isn’t that supposed to be off limits (like telling me to take off my “white hood“?

Person 5: Shame on you! YOU are the only on spewing hateful rhetoric, it’s those that continue on with the blatant lies that are the problem. I’m still waiting for someone to show me somewhere, something that the President has said that is racist. All of this crap needs to stop now! It is a perfect mirror of who and what Progressives, for all their talk to the contrary, are. ·

Person 4: This is a hateful post, and Sonia Prince, and <redacted>is correct, it is people like you that continue to divide our country. Such a shame, you are so blinded and full of hate…Perhaps you should go listen to your son’s graduation speech again…actually listen!

Person 6: And not one Democrat came out against ANTIFA. which is a wing of the left..


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