Help Preserve the Fetal Life Protection Act!

by Op-Ed

Yesterday afternoon the Senate Judiciary Committee voted on four Cornerstone-supported bills, among them HB 625, the Fetal Life Protection Act.

While they did not introduce any of the three sabotage amendments to the bill which Cornerstone was concerned about, the Committee completely rejected an amendment sponsored by Senator Regina Birdsell. The amendment was developed in consultation with numerous expert scholars and litigators around the country and was designed to make the bill as strong as possible in court. No member of the Committee gave any explanation as to why the Birdsell amendment was not adopted.

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This amendment is critical to protect the bill from potential litigation and from a potential veto by the Governor.
The Senate could vote on HB 625 as soon as Thursday. Please contact your Senator now and ask him or her to support a floor amendment adopting—at minimum—the severability and “physician requirement” sections of the Birdsell amendment.

For a full explanation of why the Senator Birdsell amendment is so important to the success of the bill, and an analysis of the Committee’s decisions on all four bills, read our most recent blog post.

We will keep you updated on the progress of HB 625 as it heads to the Senate floor.


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