A rational person looks at all the ways that people die or get killed then figure out that those with larger numbers should be taken care of first. Or, not.
Related: The Real Solution to “Gun Crime” isn’t Gun-Free Zones, It’s Democrat Free Zones
Not rational. Reformatted, emphasis mine:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 2018 National Vital Statistics show:
- 37,455 people died from unintentional falls throughout the year.
- 458 died from unintentional firearm deaths for 2018
…which means accidental death by falling was about 82 times more likely than accidental death via any kind of firearm.
The FBI figures look at the intentional, criminal use of firearms, and show:
- 297 deaths from rifles of any kind in 2018.
- 443 people were killed with hammers, clubs, or other “blunt objects.”
The Democrats want to ban AR-15s, AK-47s, and other commonly-owned semiautomatic rifles that make up only a fraction of the deaths in which rifles of any kind were used.
- 36,560 people were killed in traffic crashes in 2018, a 2.4% decrease from 2017
But only the gun deaths ever seem to make the national news, don’t they?
(H/T: Brietbart)