The party that thinks requiring ID is racist will demand you prove you live in DC before pumping you with the Experimental gene therapy doing business as a Vaccine for COVID19. If you can’t prove you live in the District, they will deny you the juice.
Related: Between Dec. 14 and Feb. 19 – 966 People Died After Receiving the Experimental COVID19 “Vaccine”
Check this out: “Going forward, the District will prioritize 90% of its appointments for eligible residents only. In its new registration portal, D.C. said essential workers should bring verification like a work ID badge, letter from employer or paystub.”
Dan Mclaughlin at NR writes,
Identification to prove that people are in the right jurisdiction? Funny how this works when a liberal government is trying to control something it actually cares about. This comes just as congressional Democrats are trying to abolish state voter-identification requirements for in-person and absentee voting, and progressives are calling it racist voter suppression to ask voters to cast ballots in their own precinct.
Agencies require ID for most if not all government services instituted by Dems, run by them, and staffed by them as well. Identification is a standard requirement for just about everything.
To put that into perspective, asking someone to vote where they live (and provide proof) is racist. You’re not telling them they can’t vote. You are just trying to ensure that the exercise and its outcomes are a product of the will of the people who live in the given political jurisdiction. You can vote, but you need to vote where you live, by mail, if necessary.
So, if we take this,
“One of the ways that we have to ensure that we are not vaccinating residents from other jurisdictions who don’t actually have an essential job in the District of Columbia is to ask for some type of proof for that,”
And do this,
“One of the ways that we have to ensure that we are not (letting) residents from other jurisdictions who don’t actually (live here, vote here) is to ask for some type of proof for that,”
We become racist.
Ironically, many of those the left claims are being disadvantaged by requesting an ID to vote must produce one to access services. But it’s not racist to require it for the latter, only the former.
You are also required to produce ID if you want to vote for the party leadership, who then promoted these contradictions as if there are none.
And yes, it is racist to point that out.
And yes, you need ID to get through the border “wall” around the Capitol, but that’s not racist either.