Gov. Sununu Thinks 97% of New Hampshire Residents are Racists?

Critical Race Theory (CRT) will brook no objections. If you are white, you are a racist. CRT cannot cleanse you of these poisons, but it can turn you into a useful idiot for the balance of its other objectives.

Related: Your Former NH State Supreme Court Justice says HB544 is Constitutionally Sound!

Compelled Speech, for example. And if you won’t protect these basic rights, you oppose them.

At the crux of this debate sits HB544, a constitutional bill that seeks (in a nutshell) to prohibit the forced application of Critical Race Theory and other ‘divisive concepts’ in public school classrooms, government workspaces, or by government contractors. I won’t revisit that all in this space; you should read former NH State Supreme Court Justice Robert Lynn’s excellent breakdown here, but I’ll share this bit which is critical.

The law is settled that when the government chooses to pursue policy objectives it may compel its employees to speak in support of those objectives as a condition of their employment. See Garcetti v. Ceballos, 547 U.S. 410, 421 (2006)

It is not compelled speech to require anyone spending your dimes (after a bit of bureaucratic money laundering) to comply while “on the clock,” and only unconstitutional if you require it when they are not.

CRT does the latter and, in the absence of HB544, will also do that at your expense.

The Governor has announced that he intends to veto HB544. This makes him complicit in the forced march of teaching compelled speech in the classroom and demanding it in the workplace (at your expense) and, by default, that 97% of New Hampshire is racist.

It is a sad state of affairs that the alternative is a Democrat whose positions are only slightly worse on this point.

Chris Sununu’s political value to the average Granite Stater increasingly relies on his support for the second amendment and low taxes. These are good and crucial things. But by allowing or even embracing ideas like Theory, the governor aids and abets the Left’s greater goal to deny any natural right to property or self-defense, further diminishing any actual worth.

CRT is not deployed in a vacuum any more than climate change, gender politics, open borders, or any other progressive priority. They all serve the same master and drive the state and nation toward one goal—a command and control state with an impenetrable ruling class.

Gov. Sununu’s complicity in these agendas tells us that he’s fine with that as long as he has good seats when we get there, preferably inside the DC Green Zone rubbing elbows with the elites.

I could care less if Chris Sununu wants to be a US Senator (which I suspect he does), and to be honest, if that meant replacing him with an actual Republican Governor, let’s get that train out of the station. A real Republican would spend more time thinking about protecting NH from the DC ruling class than how it can get his pasty white ass inside the wire.

The Left owns the education industrial complex. If we can’t erect constitutional bulwarks to prevent the destruction of what Justice Lynn called the antithesis of the fundamental values this country stands because Gov. Ruling Class is padding his box seats to the destruction of the Republic, we need more than HB544. We need a new governor.

Until then, we need about 20,000 Granite Staters to call his office and tell him to support HB544. And make sure you call or write your State Reps and  State Senators to make sure it makes it that far.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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