And that curve has only drifted downward since about 2016. People have seen what the Left’s “intentions” have churned out for “results” over the years – they are tired of getting punched out by the Left who seemingly puts other issues and people not of their own country being treated better than the Citizens of their country.
The Left has done their own Mao’s Long March through our own institutions. We know what the results are – division, people sorted by the color of their skin (imaging what the Left of the 50s and 60s’ Civil Rights movement seeing the re-segregation efforts of today? And Government has grown far larger than what is sustainable. Values once lifted up and made the US envy of the world (after all, how many are trying to emigrate to North Korea and Cuba?) are getting pulverized.
People are tired of being told that their country is no better than any other one.
(H/T: Powerline)